
 Sleepy start to the day but I managed to get it started at a decent time. TV this morning was a recap of last night.  Nothing new that I didn't know since I watched last night.  So, I moved on.  I decided that I would try another trip around the block.  It was a crisp morning and the walk went well. I was happy to get back home taking the shorter route.  Maybe Sunday will be longer.  I'm giving it an every other day try. 

                           I've add my hand to the show how big these zinnias heads have grown.  

They are Benary Zinnias.  I found the seeds at the garden shop but also have purchased some on line.

                I spent a little time in the garden taking a few pictures but not much more than that. 

Doug had the paper to read and then we were off to Aldi's.  He needed his pop tarts; lunch stuff and I needed my cottage cheese and eggs.  Necessities of the day plus a few other things.  We're getting pretty good at packing quickly at the store and stashing stuff away at home in record time.  It makes life possible.  

In the same center as Aldi's is Goodwill and Doug stopped there for me.  I found a fleece sheet that would work with the burps.  There was afternoon time to prepare the fabric for burps.  I didn't do very many.

Then it was a Meijers visit. I've lost some weight 20 lb.and am sure that Dr. Schneider will mention it.  I was told to drink protein drinks after my first surgery and during radiation treatments.  I think I'll hear the same on Monday.  Protein is necessary to promote healing so we bought a big box of Boost to drink.  Cancer takes away ones wanting to eat.  So, I'll DRINK the good stuff still eating as much as I can muster.  The total number of calories eaten is just not enough to maintain weight.  

I spent some time preparing 60 plastic bags for soup kitchen tomorrow.  Every little bit of prep makes the morning go just a bit smoother.  Fewer bumps is a good thing making time for the unexpected.  

We've used a Have a Heart trap for some time taking care of chipmunks.  This year we've had a lot of those little creatures as well as red squirrels and lots of birds in the trap.  It's never baited.  Curiosity just gets them into trouble.  Today, a new friend goofed.  A little, little bunny.  And he went to the same place we have taken all the unlucky animals.  I was thinking of my beets on this one.  

I did a little burp marking and sewing.  It wasn't one of those marathon afternoons.  Just a little sewing. After supper we drove to Broad Ripple to get Eric from work.  It's great to see him at the end of the day.  Tonight, will be a chair evening.   . 


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