
 A GREAT snooze last night.  It can happen.  I just haven't a clue when.  It was an oatmeal morning.  A little morning news and then I grabbed the clippers and went to town on the yellow.  My choice.  One would think I'd wait for Eric tomorrow but as long as I have energy it's difficult or perhaps impossible to control it.  A whole lot of yellow is gone.  

                                                                Gone but not forgotten.  

That sort of makes me sad but a teacher always wants to be prepared for what might or might not come.  Once a teacher, some things never CHANGE.

    And they did shrink by the end of the day.   I'm all over this hot weather.  Tomorrow will be cooler. 

It promises to be another hot day so I'm expecting the piles of yellow should be smaller by the end of the day.  Tomorrow Eric can pack it away in the big blues.  There is plenty left to clip.

                                                                    Far from finished.

I took a few minutes to cool down.  Drank a protein drink and chilled out with a nap.  Then it was to the burp world again with thread available.  That lasted for two minutes until the phone rang and it was my camping friend Judy B. calling straight from the U P of Michigan.  What a nice surprise.  We can talk for hours about nothing.  That's what friends do.  But the nothing included the fact that they are coming to Rensselaer, Indiana for a wedding in Sept.  And they are going to drive on down to visit the coming Sunday.  How nice.  That made my morning or should I say day. 

Jared called in the afternoon with the question...what besides Granny Smith's make good pie.  I said Jonathan's.  I don't even know how easy it is to find that tree.  Today was Jared and Kimmy's 21 wedding anniversary.  They always take a drive to Amish country on that day usually stopping at the Amish green house for something.  Same happened today and they bought a Granny Smith and Gala tree.  Both great purchases.  My hope is that we'll travel north to see them soon. 

Twenty more burps are in the tub with the number growing to 70.  More babies taken care of.  And then there was another shut eye time.

Supper was a bit of a throw-back to camping breakfasts with some exceptions.  There were huge blueberries and English walnuts added.  Those are winners.  Apple sauce was on the table but there was no room in the tummy.  Another pancake supper will come at some point.  The creative cooking ideas were nowhere.

There is another Fever game tonight, and the pill cases need to be filled. Some things just keep repeating themselves.  And yet another repeat. Ten more burps making 80 for this round.  A productive day in some areas marks today. 

                                  Eventually this group of 10 got stitched and added to the 70.                                                      How wonderful to have diversion from all the other stuff that seems to be in my life.      Doug...let's go flannel hunting. 


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