
 It's been a good day.  The night was a little crazy but not to unusual with a hole in the middle from 1 to 3.  Then it was back to sleep for a while.  This morning was another soup kitchen Saturday even though we don't serve soup. 

                        Sarah Ellen Mamlin and I serving the folks as they come through the line. 

Second Helpings brings our food and there was plenty for all.  There was a donation of lettuce and salad fixings so that was an added bonus.  And all the containers filled with salad disappeared. All six pans holding a lot of beef with a little macaroni were empty by 12 PM. 

            Heidi Horton taking her turn at the sink with washing up what needed to be washed up.
I was bushed so I left soon after 12.  The rest of the workers did the final clean up.  

I did a lot of sitting in the afternoon.  Football kept me entertained when I wasn't sleeping.  I got a super amount of rest which I ordered.

I did contribute to the bird population by filling the feeders.  Those numbers seem to keep on growing. More than people need to eat.

Bob and Rita stopped in for a super visit later in the afternoon.  Such fun to have another chance to talk as long as we did.  And we did catching up on the latest of just about everything.  Delicious, pickled beets came with Rita.  I might even add a hardboiled egg or two.  

It was time for supper and the evening's entertainment was watching the Fever play. I always look forward to K. Clark.  What a girl! The season will soon be over but for the next week her team plays every other night.  Super news.  

Doug and I did a short garden walk and spotted new tiny lettuce plants growing.  There will be a lot. Perhaps enough for our church feeding program. The warm ground with water sprinkled certainly did a lot to encourage those seeds to change to plants in short order.  


  1. Sharing the serving line with you was fun. . . as well as time with all the others. . . Love pickled beets. . .so glad you enjoy them too!

  2. Two very special, awesome, faithful leader of love! Thank you!


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