
 If I think of all the things that happened today, this should be a short entry.  It's a church day and it was an easy early morning here with the paper and that was about it.  Ten o'clock came and we were off to church.  Another morning to visit with friends before the service adding that to one of my favorite things to do.  The altar flowers were beautiful with red the predominate color, a favorite of Mr. Don's selection honoring his life and the contribution he made as a preschool teacher to many of our church family's children.  I miss him.

This Sunday along with being red, Mr. Don's favorite the flowers included carnations, celosias and real live red berries of some kind.  A beautiful arrangement.

The morning sermon centered on prayer.  Something good to hear and think about. And the choir sang another favorite that I sang right along with when they rehearsed it before the service.  

Once again my little buddy Logan was in attendance.  He comes from a singing family, the youngest of 4 children.  Such a sweet boy who is in second grade this year.  His mother is dedicated to Indy's children as a kindergarten teacher.  Logan is at my most favorite age able to have interesting conversations with adults.  

Now isn't he just the cutest little guy.  Love him to the moon and back.  I miss my kiddos that kept me entertained for years. I am so blessed to have a friend like Logan.

Then it was home for the rest of the day which included a long sleep and then there were two more long sleeps added with some football shut eye.  The Colts didn't play but Denver did.  That happens to be Andrew's favorite team and he got the message from me to turn on the TV for the game.  

I took a short walk out to check on the new lettuce and it's plugging right along.  Woo...warm days are giving that seed a head start.  They were watered this morning, and I'll need to do the same tomorrow morning. 

                It will be a while but at least there is a very good start to what will make good eating. 

Another interesting day, truly a day of rest.  Tomorrow Greg starts radiation treatments; Charlotte is still waiting for testing to happen.  Our grandson Adam will get the results of an MRI on a knee that he injured  in soccer practice.  Doug and I will have an 11 o'clock visiting with Dr. Schneider to hear what the next steps will be with cancer treatments.  So...the beat goes on with a lot of new happenings.  It was good to hear about prayer today. And once again Sunday isn't church without praying the Lord's prayer. How I miss that when attending churches that do not add that to their Sunday liturgy. 

And I need to include Dianthus.  I always think of this as a spring flower which it is but this year I would call it a spring, summer and fall flower.  It just keeps on giving. I must include a garden flower in the post.  It reminds me of the song with the phrase...How can I keep from singing.


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