
 I would call this a low-key day although a few things did happen.

I slept till 8:20 today.  Woo. That's a new one and I'll take it. Guess I was tired last night.  Good grief, the morning was almost but not quite half over.  So it was breakfast and a little TV.  And then a walk outside with the clippers.  I found a few things to clip.  I'm always trying to promote more flowers, so the spent ones need to be clipped.  I watered almost all of the Daliah.  They need water to make flowers. There are buds and moving that process along needs water added.  

We've had conversations about not seeing the piliated woodpeckers for quite a while but there was mom on the feeder this morning with junior up in the tree waiting for her to feed him.  It such a strange thing to watch because they are both the same size.  

Before I realized, it was 10:45 and Carol pulled in the driveway.  It's the day for the Muldoon's eating group meeting.  And we were off to Goodness Gracious.  That's a new restaurant in downtown Carmel.  The perfect place for ladies to meet their friends.  Pink walls, hanging chandeliers, beautiful China plates for the food and great decorative silverware.  And our water glasses were little jelly jars.  Go figure.  I chose a toasted bagel with salmon, tomatoes, cucumbers and onions with a great creamed cheese spread.  Yum, yum.  A little pricy but you can't take it with you.  I was stuffed.  

This little guy visited this morning.  Well, not really little but at least a foot or more high.  I'm sure the birds were aware that a hawk was around.  

Carol brought me home and there was a call from Dr. Schnider that needed a recall.  I have an appointment to see him Monday. Things seem to be moving along now.  I need to catch my breath. It's another one of those face the music Mondays.

The afternoon was a bit slow.  I picked up some garden clippings and then ran the sewing machine finishing up the second pickle.  

This fills the girlfriend's request so I know for sure these pickles will be well loved.  I should make myself one for car traveling but for now I'll think about it.  There are a few little pillows in the car that fill the bill.  

We had supper on the patio with the last of the Patty chicken salad.  Tomorrow evening there is a good chance of BLT's.  That big tomato keeps looking at me. So that was the day.  No walk around the block although the day isn't over.  It was easy to talk myself out of it with a hip that got way to much of a workout yesterday.  It's always worse in the morning. Not so bad at this point in the day.


  1. "Goodness Gracious" sounds like an import of gracious Southern living - the china, the silver, the decot - and the name. Hmmmm - is it time for the South to rise again? (Still a Hoosier, but I have learned something about Southern thinking.)


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