
 It's very old pictures tonight.  The ever-ready energy bunny disappeared a couple of hours ago. 

        This is so cute.  I imagine the boys will be a bit embarrassed.  That's a grandma's job tonight.        They are all taller than their grandma.  I lost another inch somewhere. Its 4ft 10inches now. Maybe they nabbed it.

Yes, it's Thursday.  My mind just thinks it's Friday.  I'm not sure why Friday is better than Thursday.  The day started early.  Way to early but I have little control over that.  I'll blame the early birds that have been with me since birth.  I walked the garden with the clippers finding a little to clip.  Well, that wasn't because there was nothing to clip.  I just didn't give in to a lot of it.  The dill is gone with the hope that I'll get some seeds sent to Amy in Montana.  She's as dill crazy as I am.  The chipmunk found the dill on the umbrella table.  Bad monk! 

Jared and Kimmy in their pottery making aprons.  The aprons have never have been this clean since their first wearing.

The glider on the patio gave me a definitive call so I answered that one.  The glider was even better with a cup of coffee.  The birds were entertaining. The stillness of the morning was rewarding.

My favorite Sunday of he year.  Pentecost.  Every year we do something different incorporating red any way we can imagine.  The plants had beautiful red leaves this particular year. .  

And once again the sewing machine was silent.  It's hard to sew without thread.  I'm still waiting but not grieving. 

        Another camping year with Wyatt.  Doug was reaching for a treat. Wyatt knew where he kept them.

The mail brought two cards from Jan.  She is the best card mailer always on top of getting the job completed.  My card friends take me a long way.  I have many.

At noon the phone rang with all the appointment information needed for the first three shot dates at I U North. Sept. the drill will start on the 4th.  I found information online about the two medications that have been prescribed.  Clinical trials seem to give the outcomes a positive note living with this disease.  It does have its limits. I must remember.  This crazy unusual cancer doesn't make it easy, but we'll take the treatment as far as it will take us.

        is was one of our thanksgivings in Georgia.  Memories, memories.  I see the real brothers with Jared added.  

The early afternoon we were off to I U North to get a carotid artery ultrasound.  Because of neck surgery involved with my first cancer episode it was a bit uncomfortable.  But survive I did.  I see the doctor next week to hear the results.  I'm putting this on the shelf for now.  My cup runneth over.

                                                            Pretty much a memory this year.  

The rest of the afternoon was a bit snoozy.  There was an easy supper, and the evening has the same promise.  Oh yes...the thread came at 5 PM.  Thanks Kat.  She always orders stuff like this for me.  She makes me a successful shopper. Tomorrow I'll sew!   It is well with my soul.


  1. Love you Lela. You always give me strength….keep some for yourself!

  2. What a nice walk down memory lane! I recognize all the younger grandsons, but who is that old guy at the end of the table with Doug, Rick, and Jared?


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