
                                            It's a white theme tonight with a little red added.

It's the middle of the week.  Halfway done.  Halfway to go.  Did a little of this and that today.  You know it's garbage day and I was thinking big blues.  So there was some major clipping started but it will be a long time before it's finished.  All three huge clumps of false indigo are in the can.  My, they can get big.  There was a lot of snipping going on but it all stopped when I got a little over heated with a little dizzy that told me I needed to quit.  I was ready.  But the drill has started with a break until the Susans tell me they are finished.  

                        A round little short stemmed zinnia that line the path.  I'm happy for that one.

I decided soon after breakfast that this is the morning to start walking around the block.  So, Stella and I made the trip.  It was slow and steady and I'm sure Doug could have done two laps to my one but that doesn't bother me one iota.  We have never been good companion walkers in the best of times.

                                        The Becky Daisys just keep on giving.  

Then came a phone call.  That being an I U call from the Genomics department with the message that the biopsy after testing here has been sent on to Phoenix Az to determine what treatment will be the best for fixing this latest cancer issue.  Three episodes is enough. That phone call was an answer to prayer.  There will be at least two weeks to get the results of that D an A study of the genomes. I should get a call soon from Dr. Schneider to set up another appointment. 

        Most chive flowers are purple but when the chives stems are flat the flowers are white. 

I worked in the sewing room for a while making it a better place to sew.  It's always a surprise how messy it can get so quickly.  I need to do more sorting. I started the next pickle but it's far from finished.  I'll keep at it at some point.  No burp sewing today.  Just wasn't ready for messy babies.  

                                                I found two white cosmos flowers.  

The afternoon was full of sitting and sleeping again.  I can do that very well.  So the morning was pretty productive and the afternoon was an easy go.  I did some texting and just sort of hung out.  More Patty food on the menu with the last of the beets.  Next year!  Or maybe a purchase at Kroger's. 

                            This year I have a white hedge hog.  That is not always the case.


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