
 Yes,,,the middle of the week again.  It seems to come around every 7 days or so.  And once again it was an up and at it morning.  I realized that the two blues at the street were full but the third one was not.  So once again it was time to fill the third one which I did.  I've got to keep at it.  After that I quit. My hip was telling me in no uncertain terms, you are done girl.  And I listened.  It's feeling good to begin the clean up job even though it is one that seems to go on forever.  My instructions from the doctor tell me to keep moving. To extremes is not to happen.  Tomorrow I think the temp will allow me to walk around the block with Stella again.  

                                                            All the yellow is gone. 

There was a morning nap that told me to take it easy.  I did another 10 burps and called that done for a while as well.  

I received a welcomed call from Dr. Schneider's nurse Julie telling me the medicine had been approved.  The ability to ask a question told me which new medicine that might be.  It's the shots.  Ouch!  I'll start Monday with those getting this body on the move.  She reminded me that there is an additional shot coming my way for bone health.  I forgot all about that.  Always surprises when that happens.  A lot of this medicine is big time hormonal stuff meant to suppress. Let's hope that happens.  There is more to come in the form of pills.

                                                                            More yellow gone.

I looked through the stash of fabric and cut more 8 inch lengths for more burps.  I sewed a few more until I ran out of thread.  Kat ordered more which should get here tomorrow at some point.  I've used many spools of thread but have never completely run out.  So it s a good reason to let the machine cool off and rest for a while.  

    There is a whole lot of yellow to go.  Eric is coming over Saturday to help the old folks with yellow.

We spent some time hitting the drugstore.  We both had things to pick up and because of some problems we have medicine at two different Walgreen stores.  Sometimes it's a bit inconvenient but we can make it work.  Eric needed a bus pick up.  He still is off the bike having it waiting in the bike line for its repairs.  I failed to mention that Jared got a huge surprise with hitting a deer on the way to work yesterday. I'll spare you the picture although it looks like a sleeping deer.'s a dead one. There are way to many deer in Michigan.  It happens a lot to a lot of deer.  The Jeep is drivable but needs body work. Our deer just eat acorns almost every night in our yard.  There was one hit this spring at Orchard Park Church come to think of it.   

Tonight the Fever play ball.  Another evening with girls flying up and down and around the court. They are relentless. Tomorrow I get my c. artery scanned checking to see if it's getting clogged.  Wish me luck.  I'm thinking it will be just fine.  There was some thinking that it caused my TIA.  We'll see


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