
Pictures...not much new on the horizon so I'll go digging in the past again.  

e old church arrangement.  I checked the Hosta today.  The deer have gotten them.                                                              Everything came from the garden.  

Woo. Today it seems that the week was about three days long.  There was lots to do and we're still working on some of that do.  The night gave us some rain.  Woo...what a change but I pulled the hose out and still did some watering this morning.  The zinnias certainly have added a smile to their faces.  The little Noah Pond got a fill.  And the trimmers came out doing some snipping at the Mexican Sunflower site.  I looked at the mound of chocolate mint that I love to add to coffee.  It was a mess.  So it was pull and tug and then do it all over again until I got all that needed to be added to the big blue added!

This is not so good but is the radiation treatments that went after cancer surgery in 2021.  But it saved my life.  The treatments were short but sometimes seemed long.  I sang songs to myself which helped a whole lot. I promise not to show any of these pictures again.  It's time for flowers.

There was no walk around the block today.  Ignoring the sore pelvic area was not in the best of thinking.  It was talking pretty loud after the garden stuff was declared finished for the day.  It's the location of the newest cancer home.  

                                                                            So pretty. 

But in the house, it was a different scene.  No burps today but it was way past time to run the sweeper.  So, I ran it moving some stuff around to get to ignored for a while places.  The energy was flowing so I used it.  My it feels good to see improvements again.  I think walking on a FLAT surface is easier on the bones.

                                            I promise the next picture will be a flower!                                                       This snow picture is for brother-in-law, Uncle Dee.  Living in the south he may forget about the snow.

There was TV watching and yes, there's another football game tonight this time Packers are playing in S. America.  I'm not sure I can get this one but I'll make an attempt. Another super option...the FEVER are playing again.  Their season will soon be over but there are the play offs that they will be a part of. 

                                                            Now this is really pretty.

I spent the rest of the afternoon working on trying to get cancer medicine Kisqali on it's way to my house.  For some reason there is a bump in the road and's the last day before the weekend.  Some folks just aren't available till Monday for answers.  So, we'll keep trying next week.  It's all supposed to be working but it's not.

        What a pretty blue.  I think it was yesterday when I posted a pretty deep purple of the same flower.

Supper was the carry in kind again.  And there should have been a trip to Aldi's but that didn't happen.  Tonight, we have an 8 pm date at Walgreens for our Covid shots.  Yeah.  Jared is feeling better, and it seems that household is healing.  That remains true unless Eli gets sick.  It was another good day.  Noticing things that merit gratitude makes life better. 

As I'm finishing this I here the TV with Caitlin.  It's noisy. Go Fever. 


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