
 One of the little picture boxes is still missing.  I need Jared!  And I don't have him.  So, it is what it is.

Today started out pretty good.  I spent some time in the garden snipping away and filling the cart full of throw away stuff.  There is more and the plan to do more tonight sort of fizzled.  But I was on it this morning until my hip told me enough around 10:40.  

Neighbor Barb B stopped by with her dog.  She loves to walk the garden, but it usually is after dark.  What does she see?  Well, wild animals we don't see in the daytime.  It was great talking with her. 

I decided it was soup day and remembered that I decided it was soup day.  There was a whole lot of chopping' and I started it all in the soup pot and then transferred it to the crockpot.  It was FULL to the top.  After the prayer before the supper meal I announced all the veggies we were to be thankful for. That sort of took care of the morning and part of the afternoon. 

I had medicine to retrieve from Walgreens and that was my chance to first hit Goodwill where I found two beautiful fleece blankets in pastel colors perfect for burps. I had very little fabric left in the box. I had Doug put the flannel sheets back because they didn't look like baby prints.  The fleece was perfect

I slowed down for the rest of the day.  There was soup for supper and we did a Broad Ripple pickup for Eric getting him back home for the evening.  There is a Fever game tonight.  Wednesday's game was not shown on any of our channels.  And they lost.  This series has been difficult to I'm hoping for the best tonight.  It's the last game of the series and a chance for a win.  But Caitlin is still breaking records regardless of the game's outcome. 

Tomorrow is Soup Kitchen morning.  I'll give it a try and hope for the best.  


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