
 Friday comes after Thursday every week.  That's just the way it is.  So today was Friday because yesterday was Thursday.  Today was the day for cutting the good zinnias for the altar arrangements at church.  They were looking stressed since we have had little rain this month and being watered in the bucket after cutting, I was giving them a second chance at looking perky.  So about 15 ended bucket worthy.  And then I cut two stacks of left over stuff to added to the big blues.  I think they have reached their limit.  I know I reached my limit.  I must get Eric in the garden one of these days.  There is still a long time till frost but it's a relief to know the cleanup job has been completed. 

I put some bags in the car for a Goodwill stop.  And then we were on our way to the Simon Cancer Center to deliver the missing papers needed for financial aid for the medication I'm taking.  I tried every way I could think of and Kat did the same to get that paper e-mailed.  So, I could have faxed it but another option was just delivering it to the doctor's office.  I chose that one.  Doug dropped me off at the center and in 10 minutes or less the paper was delivered, and I was back in the car.  But the whole trip took about an hour, but I can call it finished...I hope.  

Today was the day I was to have lunch with my old teacher friends.  I canceled that knowing that one trip out probably was enough and I couldn't be two places at the same time.  I'll see them at our next lunch time probably in less than a month.  

I spent a little afternoon time sleeping since once again there was another hole in the night.  It's no big deal for sure.  It seems to be the new me.

There was a quick trip to Meijers for distilled water for the sleep machine and some electrolyte water for when the body needs electrolytes.  

I fixed a little supper missing the text from neighbor Kathy about bring supper.  Today once again she's my piglet.  It's certainly will be used next week.  

So, I'm ready for evening.  My quota of energy is just about gone.  No sewing today again.  It's been three days with no fabric.  Good grief.  I'm not sure what the entertainment will be.  Last night I found the Fever game.  At times they were up to 15 points behind but came up strong at the end missing the final basket with seconds left which would have given them the win.  How exciting.  


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