
 So thankful that the south is nearing the end of the storm threat.  There is way too much water but with time that should righten itself.  The rain in lesser amounts has moved north and will be here for a while and the wind has become a little more challenging but certainly nothing near what Florida and Georgia received.  The monastery came through with all windows intact punctuated with finding new roof leaks and realizing that old leaks were holding. The storm center went farther west but I would say because it was so large they still had a good hit.   I'm wondering how many trees didn't stay upright.

                                                            A gift from a neighbor.

We stopped again for another prescription this evening and a surprise gust of wind nearly put me on the ground.  I got smarter right away preparing for whatever would have come next hugging the side of the building. .  

The morning was slow again.  I'm beginning to realize exactly why it's a good idea to take c medicine three weeks and then take a week off.  My off week will be here starting next Tuesday.  So, I'll let the three little pills do their thing and then take a week of nothing and then be back on it again.  I remember hearing now that the body needs a rest and then it's back to work after a week off.  It's call keeping BIG  C in check.

                                             The last of the last.  Twenty toward the next hundred!

I mentioned that I cut the last of the flannel for burps and this morning I started sewing them and finished the last one this evening.  Doug had a dentist appointment in Zionsville and I planned a trip to a Goodwill in Whitestown a few miles farther west.  Well, it was a total bomb out.  Nothing Natta.  The best place to find flannel sheets is just 2 miles south of us in Nora.  Today...wasted gas for sure.  The Nora store has high traffic being on a bus line with many immigrants shopping there.  The sheets are cheaper by a dollar so tomorrow we'll pass by there on the way home from Bread and Bowl.  My hope is that driving will once again return to me in late October or early Nov.  So far so good.  

                                                A close up picture from another angle.  So pretty.  

I received an e-mail from a neighbor who has a floral business doing mostly weddings.  Her backyard is filled with raised beds, and she grows a lot of things herself.  Flower season is mostly over, and she invited the neighbors to come and snip.  I met someone new and came home with an arm load of flowers.  It was a fun visit with someone who like to garden as much as I do.  

This is a close up of straw flowers that were more than 6 ft tall.  I love them and she said cut all you want.  What a gift.  She was afraid the wind would get them in the days ahead.  

Supper was more heated over soup.  Yum.  The evening was a quiet one.  The trees are getting a shake out making Doug move a little more picking up sticks and bunches of leaves which isn't a bad idea at all.  Rain will be with us for a while.  That's fine.  

            I took this picture because there was such a variety of blossoms. I'm hoping for self seeding.


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