
Smozie Monday

Yeah...I just smozied around today.  It was a little of this and a little of that.  The night was a little longer with the hope that tonight will even be a little longer.  We'll soon see.  Maybe I should have called this a little of this and that. 

                    My one and only Sunflower.  I'm happy to have one.  The deer haven't found it.  

Today I worked on Umoja mushrooms, My assessment wasn't a little work but a whole lot of work.  All six tops are finished which took all day.  I would say there is at least two more hours of work and then I can call them finished.  The deadline is soon, and pictures need to be taken to help with the advertising items for the silent auction. 

                                                                            Partly finished.

Burp report.  Now that was just a little work.  Five more are finished and that's enough for the day.  

I spent about 20 minutes with the clippers in the front of the house taking down the last of what needed to come down.  Doug is putting the stuff in the Big Blue.  I think the number of big blues this week will be one not three. I'm leaving the rest of the stuff in the front of the house for Jack Frost sharing the take down job with him.  There is more to do in the back yard but not today. 

I walked the garden taking a few pictures.  Tomorrow I'll do a little watering.  Falls can be dry in Indiana and this year we have one of those very little rain falls so far. 


Tonight was our monthly North get together at McAlister's.  The group was a bit smaller with folks having other commitments.  We don't fit into that group.  Life is pretty simple that way, right now.  

                                                    Beautiful dark red.  Here they look more purple. 

I received one of two promised phone calls about my poison medicine related to cancer.  The delivery is scheduled for tomorrow and I will start right away with the first month.  The second phone call that did not come was about financing the poison pills.  I'll call tomorrow.  We need to get on it right away as was impressed upon me today with the first phone call.  I can't return the call if no one makes it.  Dah!  Help!   But at least the pills should be arriving.  It's one of those three weeks on and one week off to give the body a break.  I'm ready for it so bring it on.  

                                A beautiful sun set on Lake Madora.  Another Michigan gem.

So, it was an easy day with supper out.  Life is pretty good f you don't count the poison pills.  They should just add a little spice to life. It's another football night in America.


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