
There was a great night of sleep.  I just couldn't keep my eyes open at 9:30 so it was sleep time till 6 this morning.  I would say a new record.  There was breakfast and thinking about what needed to happen today.  
A Dennis vase with one lone zinnia and a little bit of Rue.  A favorite place for Swallowtails to lay their eggs.  It didn't happen this year.  I'll try again next year.  Rue is a perennial herb so it will be back next year. 

I sewed 8 more burps adding to the two yesterday at some point so 10 told me that made it time to stop.  With 10 more to go there will be another 100 to send on their way.  Another feel good feeling although that also means more Goodwills for Doug for fabric hunting.  Poor guy.  I'll try to take it easy on him. 
This picture was added to the blog to show Dennis, the bowl maker and Leslie, his wife that Dennis' bowls can do many things.  One thing is to mark each end of a burp cloth with a half circle to guide the sewing machine runner to "get it right". 
                            And here comes the little engine that could on its way around the bend.

There was some texting, lunch and then Doug was ready to drive Ms Daisy once again, not to Good will but some really, really necessary places.  One being the drug store for the expensive medicine for diabetics. It's working so far.  The other place needing a visit was Wild Birds.  Yes, some of the food for the wild birds at the feeders needed a restock.  And with a renewed membership at the store we were given an extra bag of Finch food now in the freezer to use later in the early winter.  So with stuff for people and birds we returned home.  

The weather today feels like fall.  So, wearing a flannel shirt I took Stella out and we did a walk around the block.  This time it was the bigger of the two blocks.  And when the walk was almost completed, I decided it was time to use the seat Stella offered to rest my body. Woo...I think I bit off a bit much.  It was a long walk. So I sat for a while and finally made it up the hill and in the driveway happy to be back home on Hillsdale Dr.  

I made it to my room and promptly fell asleep like a drunken sailor waking up an hour later.  Woo.  I think the walk was a bit much but probably all the fresh air and the recirculation of everything that got recirculated in my body, the walk was a good thing. I think tomorrow the walk will be shorter. My only wish is that the rag weed would stop rag weeding my eyes.

Supper was a gift from the neighbor.  Doug loved it but my hunger button was off.  That's not a good thing but I'm sure it will be working tomorrow.  Monday night football and I need to check the Fever schedule.  They should have the evening off since they played yesterday.  

We're having a nice easy rain tonight.  I think I hear the garden singing. Or it might be yesterday's choir anthem singing where no one else but me can hear it.  It's been a favorite over the years of choir membership.  Sunday's anthem is often a visitor during the week that I hear at the most unexpected times. That's a blessing beyond measure.  Oh, Love Oh Love that will not let me go.  I rest my weary soul in thee.  I give thee back the life I owe. 


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