
 So what happened today.   Here goes! 

The night wasn't to bad.  I did a lot of waking up but then I did a lot of going back to sleep.  I'll take it.  And once again the morning came around 5:30.  I did a slow wake up with the TV, breakfast and more T was nursing a sore hip so I just took it easy.  That happens more than not so I wasn't surprised.  I expected it to go away and it did..

Ms. Daisy needed to wake up the driver to get her on the way to church and soup kitchen.  We were a wee bit later than usual but still in great shape.  So I did all the early stuff that I usually do getting a whole lot of things started but there was plenty that needed starting as well when the whole crew arrived.  Sarah Ellen and I fill the "clam" with the hot meal and I like to that that ready for her arrival so we can power into the job asap.  

There were 8 of us and we finished all the preparation around 10:40. The doors open at 11:00.  And we had a lot of guests. The line was long and we did not run out of food.  All were fed.  Sometimes I think of the 5000 story in the Bible.  We think the food will not last through the hour but it always seems to.  

Heidi and I checked out the sanctuary for tomorrow's service and there were things to fix and we fixed what was needed.  There is a new banner at the pulpit and the altar flowers are stunning once again given by the Canes.  

Dr. James gave me a better understanding about what my cancer medicine is doing for me.  It was so helpful. He takes such good care of me. A friend I've needed many times. His wife is Heidi who is also a Nurse Practitioner.  I am so fortunate. 

The driver once again arrived, and we were on our way home.  True to form a busy morning means a slow afternoon.  So it was napping and more TV with Michigan football but mostly napping.  

I spent some time cutting about a third of the fabric we found at Goodwill yesterday.  More really pretty burps on the way.  


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