

                    Until next year, this is the last of the Black Eyed Susans.  Many thanks to you girls. 

This entry will be short because if I don't count the storm, not much happened.  So, this is what I can say.  The night had a hole in it and I filled it from time to time during the day light hours. There was another reaction to the medicine this morning and that slowed me down a bit.  It was time for gentleness.  

The yard, and ours is a big one, is littered with stuff like this.  Pick up is the theme with finding stuff from the trees living in the front yard now littering the back yard.  It was an over the house kind of night. There is a little bit of everything laying around.  There must have been some Hurricane winds passing through!  

At some time during the night the wind must have been blowing more than usual and some branches came off the trees at the neighbor's house.  Doug had a chance to use his handy dandy little power tool.  I think Kathy is going to add that little toy to her Xmas wish list.  She loves it.  Our yard was just full of leaves and a lot of sticks just like every other yard in the neighborhood.  

                                        'll be tying up Mexican Sunflower plants tomorrow.  

The power was out at church, so our Saturday Bread and Bowl noon meal was cancelled.  I called that providential since Sarah Ellen was not available, and I was feeling puny.  Losing two workers out of a team of six is not a good thing for the crew that's left.  I wish the meal could have been offered.  

        The family of zinnias bowed to the south.  I guess they knew where the wind had originated. 

I needed to get a few things at Aldi's that I could eat so we made a trip south thinking that a flannel stop at the Nora Goodwill would work.  It didn't.  No power there either but there was at Aldi's.  So, we got the necessities and headed back home.  

Then it was more chair snoozing and a whole lot of watching or listening to football.  Indiana won, Michigan won and that's the report as I know it.  

                        This is the best ever Cleome picture of 2024 taken this afternoon in the rain.  

I did get all the burps that were cut into the container and the count is 20.  Ginny got a text telling her to look for another 100 in church office tomorrow. 

So, it was a strange day but one that also reminded me that others need our prayers for safe keeping and the energy to move forward through the hard work that comes with hurricanes.  


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