Slow Tuesday

 Tuesday started after a 10hr. no wake-up night of sleep.  What a gift.  There was one problem.  When waking up in the middle of the night, that's when I take a thyroid pill.  That time was suggested by the doctor.  It's something about the pill not being around a stomach holding food. . Last night the pill didn't happen.  Gosh, I would hate to see the need to set the alarm!  But a night without a break.  Woo. I needed that. I didn't make it long after 9:30 PM,

                A whole lot of little zinnias that the birds love taking apart to discover and eat the seeds.  

The sneezing continues in the best of style.  What in the world am I allergic to.  We made a trip to renew the supply of allergy pills and pack in a supply of tissues.  I hope this is over sooner than later.  Doug thinks I'm allergic to fabric.  That's a big hope for him.   I say something outside.  

                                                            I've got my nose covered. 

When I checked the front door at 8:30 AM...there were my poison pills.  Poison to cancer is the plan for now.  So three down and many to go.  So the morning had a new beginning unlike any other in my life.  Who would have thought that would be the case at my age.  I guess flexibility of thought is the key to healthy living at least in this case.  

                    I'm contaminated!!!!  Did you notice the word HAZARDUS DRUG WARNING?                                                 I guess that's what it takes.  Another drug with crazy spelling.

The day was pretty simple.  I finished 5 more burps and tore the rest of the fabric into 8-inch strips pressing and folding them for more sewing at some point.  No hurry here for now.

                        I will be needing more fabric to play with soon.  I keep running out of toys. 

I did more sleeping during the day.  I think it might be those allergy pills or perhaps something unknown.  I refuse to move it to the front burner of thought.  It is what it is sort of thing.  

Doug helped with getting sticks for the mushrooms.  We hit the burn pile for some and there was a big stick in the garage that worked.  It's getting the sticks connected to the tops now that remains to be done.  It's not difficult but just takes time with the glue gun. 

                                     Not quite there yet but getting closer. You get the idea.

The evening entertainment was a bit different. I would say it was a game of one on one. The winner to be determined in November.   

                         Look what came in the mail today. I just might use it as a bumper sticker. 

Homemade meat pies for supper.  This time beef.  Next time I'll make chicken.  They taste a little better.  So one more blog entry is finished for the day.  It makes a great closure to what has happened in my world.  I would say it was a pretty much inside day for me with a little kindness for the body I live in.  Thanks be to God for another day.  I am blessed beyond words.  


  1. is the stuff they use to treat fabric? You wash all the fabric before you work with it, don't you? You may be allergic (as I am) to "dust mites" (actually dust mite excretions - "poop") - so I am allergic (as are many people) to microscopic exretions of microscopic organisms. Talk about sensitivity ! ! ! ! Do you check air quality? I have an allergy office which posts air quality everyday - so I can gauge what i happening. But, still the daily allergy pill (anithistamine) is essential.


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