
 The night wasn't nice to me, but I'll take what I can get.  I was ready to take a nap on the way to church, but I didn't.  I usually hang around in the west lobby talking to folks but this morning I found my pew ready to hear the choir rehearse.  They are so good with excellent leadership.  

We missed our seat buddies.  The folks to the front were gone.  The folks to the back were late for church and sat somewhere else.  I spoke with a family visiting from Avon, a town on the west side of Indy.  Their son is beginning his college life at Butler U. so they were visiting with him and came on over for the church hour. There are little communities everywhere in that church keeping track of their pew buddies as well as visitors.  There will be questions to ask our community next Sunday.  Darren preached an excellent sermon.  He is so meticulous in his thinking, working on every detail of a Sunday service.  Today it was really evident. His prayer for the world included so many incidents from this week of living that needed prayer. We heard a beautiful rendition of Blessed Assurance sung by the choir and then we sang all three verses to end the service.  It was the cherry on top. Darren told me I was on his mind all week.  Today's service spoke that to be true. 

Darren and Ginny both asked about health issues as did other friends.  There is nothing new, just keeping on with very few side effects.  I expect it to stay that way.  

We visited after church but certainly were not the last to leave today.  Sunday mornings seem to ware me out and I was happy once again to be sitting in the car on the way home.  

There was a quick lunch and then it was time for football.  I watched some and slept through some.  The Colts were struggling.  I hate to watch that.  

I finished 10 more burps and prepared a little more fabric for sewing. I have enough cut to finish another 100 but I feel no rush.  Ginny picked up the latest bag of 100 today so the current babies are well supplied.  

In the 4:00 game the Bengals beat the Chiefs!  Woo...I was impressed.  We'll see what happens tonight.  

So, it was another good Sunday.  The week would seem to be simple at this point.  We'll see how that goes.  

Monday morning PS.  I just heard the Chiefs beat the Bengals at the last minute.  Dah on me. 


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