
 The big news today...It's football night in America!  The TV is programed, and I might need some popcorn.  And then maybe not.  I ate a bigger supper.  I would say more than usual.  The Rita soup is SO delicious and the Patty pumpkin bread is something not to forget.  

                                                            Not many of these left.

And it was a cereal breakfast.  Eggs are so boring.  Cereal isn't much better but it's different.  Then I decided it was time to take Stella Rollator on a walk around the block. And we met up with another Stella.  The neighbor's dog has that same name although I named my Stella first before the other Stella joined her family.  There certainly was a buzz going on in a lot of places in Holiday Hills.  The tree service was up and busy with their big tools.  I did a lot of garbage truck dodging, and I would say the trucks at the house remodeling site were bringing lots of workers to continue that job. The walk felt good but I even felt better when it was over.  My Stella is such a big helper.

    Golden Rod.  They receive a lot of protection at my house.  It's another one of those fall beauties.

Then it was back to you know where?  Fabric and 10 more burps.  I messed around for a while with that.  Had lunch and then off to I U North again.  I think the car could get there by itself. This trip was an easy one.  A visit to the once-a-year vascular doctor.  In this case a new one.  I think she knows her stuff but I would say with not much personality.  It's the second vascular doc I would put in that box.  Maybe vascular docs come with no personality.  But she gave me good news.  All was just fine.  And don't come back for a year!  I told Doug I think the only way to get rid of these once-a-year group is to die.  So, I'll carry on.  Once a year is really pretty easy. 

Then it was back home again in Indiana.  And it was back to burps.  I'm pretty boring.  And the group that was completed put the total burps to another 100 again I can bag up.  It would seem that diversion was really needed this week.  

                                                Another fall bloomer.  Cosmos

Next project... I will get started on the Umoja fund raiser.  This year I'm skipping the wren bird houses I usually make and switch off to the garden mushrooms at Patty's request.  They will go in an auction with the hope that they go for a BIG amount of money.  The funds raised from the auction will provide a school lunch of beans and corn for children in western Kenya. I think there are 6000 vulnerable school children in the program now with more waiting.  For most it's their one meal of the day with some taking home part of their meal for younger siblings. School attendance has improved as well as test scores with some qualifying for college scholarships. So, we keep providing the means to buy corn and beans that make a huge difference to many western Kenyan children. 

        Snap Dragons.  Some are doing really well.  Others not so good.   This is a really well one.

Kathy did a butt call while she was out walking and we had a very good funny visit.  She saw huge carp swimming in a small lake she was walking along side.  She said this time of year they turn on their sides which sends their fin above water reminding her of sharks in the water.  I'd love to see that. I'll try to take pictures if and when I do.

                Another flower from a seed packet.  Batchlor Buttons.  They come in many colors.

I watched a little TV with the usual happening of not seeing much.  Supper was easy as you have heard.  My friends are blessing me in so many ways.  I took a walk around the yard with assignments made for tomorrow morning.  I need to water, deadhead and if really ambitious tomorrow will do some snipping. There is a slight chance of rain.  The calendar is clear all day so we may fit in a grocery trip.  Doug's pop tarts are getting a little low and my Jello has been gone for days.  

It's been another very good day.  I can count my blessings, naming them one by one. There has been an improvement in attitude. Well, that is according to me.


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