
 There's trouble in River City again with pictures.  

Today was a great day.  What makes a great day?  Energy.  Maybe I should expand the answer, I'll give it some thought.  But not running out of energy is a great way to spend the day.  Thanks be go

I spent some time packing up burps with another 100 soon to be on their way waiting in the car.  There are more burps completed in the fabric line.  I first typed pipeline but it's fabric and not pipe!  

I moved outside and took down two huge clumps of Becky Daisys.  There is one more clump but that can wait another day.  It was hot in the sun.  

The watermelon juice disappeared over night and the birds got fed again.  I saw three bluebirds at once in the afternoon, so I know for sure there were three males.  I hope they stay for winter.  The hummingbirds are still around, and their feeder got some fresh juice.  

I made another phone call to the cancer nurse about the financial papers I should have gotten a few days ago.  And those came through and were printed and completed.  There was some difficulty with my I phone not being happy to send those papers on their way to the Plainfield office.  A trip to see Kat after supper was the answer to the problem.  I'll be sending that information tonight with the hope of answers before the months medicine runs out.  

My dear friend Amy who until recently was a member of the church staff now has relocated to another church in Montana.  I texted her sending pictures and it worked.  We did a lot of punching letters on our phones.  How sweet to reconnect.  

I took time to take pictures in the garden and seeing neighbor Kathy outside I took time to visit.  That is always a good thing.  

Supper was broccoli soup from the freezer.  I must say it tasted pretty good with a spoon full of butter.  I bet you were thinking sugar.  Also hot is better than cold.  Trust me on that one.

So there was stuff to do and do I did with energy left. Dear Liza must remind me when the energy bucket has a hole in it that days are different and patience with ones body always is a good thing. .  


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