
 There was a hole in the night, but the second sleep lasted till after 7 so there is celebration.  I ate breakfast and headed out to the garden to deadhead the Mexican Sunflowers.  They will bloom until frost showing off their bright orange color.  That's the best garden color so I keep it going. I decided to keep on with clipping and snipping and cleared about half of the garden.  Enough for not quite one big blue.  And being so much like my mother, I should have stopped long before I did, but the job wasn't finished.  Dah!  Don't be like your mother!  

So I was dragging for the rest of the day. Some time ago I was told to get a blood pressure cuff.  It may give a bit of a different reading then the dr. office kind but the reading I got was really low.  Maybe the drag came from low BP.  What do I know.  I'm not a doctor but I can teach little children!  

Denise S called and wanted to know if it was a visiting day, and I said yes although I wondered why I said that.  I really didn't want company.  But her visit turned out to be a very good thing.  She brought her dog with her who is absolutely bonkers in every way a dog can be.  I love bonkker dogs reminding me of bonker children I had in the classroom. Denise has been added to my piglet list.  You are wondering?  Kathy O. sent me the following A A Milne this morning. It was posted by another church friend Troy Barker on Facebook this morning with the following... for all those that need a piglet from time to time.  Count me in, Troy. It seems to be the case lately.

"Today was a Difficult Day," said Pooh.  There was a pause.  "Do you want to talk about it?" asked Piglet. No," said Pooh after a bit.  "No," I don't think I do. "That's okay," said Piglet, and he came and sat beside his friend.  "What are you doing?" asked Pooh.  "Nothing, really," said Piglet.  "Only, I know what Difficult Days are like.  I quite often don't feel like talking about it on my Difficult Days either.  

"But goodness," continued Piglet, 

"Difficult Days are so much easier when you know you've got someone there for you. And I'll always be there for you, Pooh."  And as Pooh sat there working through in his head his Difficult Day while the solid, reliable Piglet sat next to him quietly, swinging his little legs...he thought that his best friend had never been more right.  A.A. M.

And for all those who have no Piglet, I pray that you will find one. 

Kathy O. who has been my piglet more times than I can count, had one of those experiences yesterday that one hears about.  She was massively stung by bees or hornets of something bad like that and ended up in the ER receiving medication to counteract the stings.  Not a fun experience but one that needed big time attention.  She was released later in the evening medicated and after a good long night of sleep for her, Eric was on his way to the drugstore for more meds this morning.  How fortunate we are having hospitals close by.  

It's a good Fever evening but not televised.  Big Bummer on that one but it's Thursday night football if I can stay awake.  I should be able to do that after an afternoon with shut eye.  But I never know.    


  1. For those who did not spend many hours reading Alexander to children, here is a pdf of the text (none of the great pictures are here) but it may help explain Lela's quotes:


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