
 It would appear that this was Day 2 in some respects.  

                                                        My version of Daliah Hill.  

I hit the ground running with the sewing machine and 20 more burps.  Well, 20 more than I had yesterday.  They all are from that pretty fabric I posted yesterday.  So pretty.  That was the motivation.  Pretty.  Should I call it work?

                            It's not June but Mexican Sunflowers that are busting out all over.                                                                        The yellow flowers are native cup flowers

At the self-imposed sewing break there was the real LABOR sort of work with stuffing the three big blues for the garbage on Thursday and clearing the lawn space for the lawn guys tomorrow.  I think they will be here.  I really needed to stuff with a shovel those b blues leaving room for the usual bag of garbage from the house waste baskets. 

I added a clump of Becky Daisys that I snipped this morning.  That's it for this week.  There is no room at the big blues. I think I remember pictures like this posted a year ago.  You think?

                                                                More Russell Hill this time.

All that work called for time on the chair to let my body catch up to where my mind was.  

                                                                         What a gift.

I received some information that I think I sort of understand in the mail about the new cancer medicine.  There are more questions about what's insurance covered and what is not covered.  Life is getting more complicated.  I hate that. But it's life.  We'll get it figured out.  I'm not the first or the last to walk the walk. 

                                                                Then there is zinnia hill!

Rita called telling me that a meal was on it's way to my house.  After arriving I learned that it was way more than one meal.  So, there was delicious veg. beef soup for us.  Yum. And we had a great visit on the patio again that included Bob and Doug.  I think we keep each other going in the right direction.

Supper was easy, better than the glass of water I had for supper Sunday night by far.  Some days I'm just not hungry but eating is a good thing no matter what.  Something not to forget.


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