
 Super night of sleep.  Loved every minute.  Well, when I woke up during the night I was right back to sleep so during the short breaks I loved what was happening.  The morning was a little shorter because I slept through some of it.  Woo.

I put together some burps and did some extra decorating on some of the burps because the fabric was a bit boring.  It's a great way to use some bits of thread.  That kept be busy until noon.  

Early afternoon I got busy going through some of the containers of fabric in the sewing room.  I've had so many pieced given to me that I know I'll never use them.  I bagged that all up and it's going somewhere.  I'm not sure yet.  I'll need to make some phone calls.  Opening boxes was a good way to find out what I forgot about.  There is more that could go to the quilters group at church but I'm not ready to do that.  I love children's fabric and I found some flannel!

Then it was late afternoon and the bottom of the bucket of energy turned into a sieve that emptied everything in the bucket.  That hasn't happened for a while, but I really wasn't too surprised.  So, I think the rest of the evening will find me in the chair ready for bed.  I'm so happy not to have anything else that needs to have any attention.  The children have left the coop, Doug is happy in his cave and I can be quiet.  

Doug got a salad and I had applesauce and a protein drink for supper.  That's good enough for me.

For you evening readers, yesterday's post was finished yesterday but I forgot to post it finding it this morning.  So sorry.  So, continuing...I'm taking my pills and tomorrow there will be the second series of shots.  I'm eating and sleeping and staying busy.  That's the drill now.  The returned Genomics study report which could help with cancer treatment decisions has determined that Dr. Schnider's decision for attacking the "beast" should continue as he has determined.  There is no magic Genomics bullet suggested. So, that's the truth as Ella Mae says. Did I get that name right Dee? Something makes me think that I goofed big time. 


  1. Edith Ann. (Check Lily Tomlin videos - you can find her online.) Also, your fabric might be welcomed in preschools or day care centers . . .


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