
 It's been a slow day...a very slow day.  

I did put together 20 burps but not all at one sitting.  I would say there were many starts and stops with burps today.  But there are now 100 more in the bag for Ginny and 10 more priming the pump anticipating the next 100. A few are waiting for the sewing machine. The total finished so far...drum roll...1210.

                            I love those BIG Goodwill bags.  Another 100 for Ginny's babies. 

I spent some time this morning sleeping away a few hours.  Why?  I have no idea although I've heard and I'm believing that cancer makes one tired just because cancer is hanging around.   I think that's pretty close to being right.  

                                                            Sage, Sage and Sage.

The frustration continues with the financial aid lady Rosie at the Plainfield office concerning the drug Kisqali.  I e-mailed the info 3 times and Rosie said she didn't get it.  Then last Thurs we took the form to the doctors office downtown for faxing and Rosie said today she did not receive it.  The only thing left to do is to take it to Plainfield.  It should not be this way.  I'm waiting for more phone calls.  I have another week of pills, then one week off of medication and then I'll need a new prescription.  I'm just frustrated with the process but it is what it is. 

                            I pulled some dried flowers from this bush.  I'm a seed saver. 

                                The dark arrow shape at the end of the peddles is the seeds.  

So today I slept, sewed, and took a shorter walk.  I learned my lesson yesterday.  The important part is that I'm still remembering it.  Patty called and supper is coming for tomorrow.  There was still chicken soup from Kathy.  There is no food desert at this house.  

        Asters.  Other years I've had three colors but it seems only two this year.  Some years are like that.

I think there is another day till the Fever play.  There is no football and there probably be some sleeping before bedtime. My coffee is waiting.  The brain is a little foggy.  

                    The rain has made some flowers really perk up.  Others have said..."it's OVER". 


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