
 It feels like...This is a day of new beginnings, time to remember and move on.  Some of the words to another favorite hymn in our Methodist Hymnal. 

The morning started after a good night of sleep.  I've been doing that a bit more.  Breakfast of an egg with parsley and a little cottage cheese.  Then I made it to the sewing room for a morning of diversion.  And I started with getting fabric ready for 20 burps.  It's been a day of 20's this week.  Lots of diversion I would say. 


 And that kept me busy until we left for I U North Cancer Center.  My brain was in the gutter thinking I've done this before.  Why can't I get it right.  And of course, my ladies who work at the cancer center I had met during my radiation days were as pleasant as ever which made me even feel worse.  Dah!  Why didn't I have a likewise pleasant feeling?  This time my destination was to the second floor where all the chemo happens.  The second floor I would say is the difficult floor. I never wanted to be there. And although I really didn't make it to the chemo area, I did make it to some smaller rooms close by. The Fulvestrant, one of my cancer drugs drains calcium and to check on calcium, blood work is done every three month when I'll receive a shot to keep my bones from falling apart. I got a calcium shot. Then came two shots of Fulvestrant and then I went home!  Another dose of Fulvestrant in two weeks.  No blood draw so I'll be in and out quickly.  I'm sure getting into the routine will certainly improve my attitude.  How fortunate to have a plan.  How fortunate to have friends that I texted while waiting.  Here are pictures I received. Diversion just when I needed it. 

When it's summer and you have no snow, you make a quinsy out of a huge pile of mulch.  A quinsy is a shelter one can build out of a pile of snow to protect one from low temperatures.
The Oehler grandsons.  Their grandmother Kathy has pulled me through more than once when life got a little, no a whole lot too tight. We've been church friends for nearly 50 years. 
                                                Here is their granddad who just won't grow up.

With the TV on and lunch I heard the news again of another school shooting.  It's such a sad happening that continues.  I really needed a distraction so the sewing machine whorled its magic. .  I added 20 more burps to the container now adding up to 80.  That's all since Sunday.  Guess I needed more of a distraction than usual this week.

                                All the scotty dogs now have been used.  Big Bummer but it happens.

And that led to a long nap.  I think all the emotions of the day with new juice in the body probably contributed to the napping event. The TV news rolled on and I just found peace in sleep. 

Patty brought supper and enough for another meal.  With the Schilling contribution we are well stocked.  I'm really well cared for.  My attitude improved. Then I heard that the Michigan folks with Jared added have Covid.  Well guess where we're not going this weekend.  That's a bummer.  So today has had it's ups and downs.  Some days are like that even in Australia. 

Tonight,  the Fever play again.  I hope Caitlin survives.  She is one tough lady taking as much as she does.  I'm amazed.  The big blues are at the street, complements of Doug and all is well with the world.  Well, not quite.  

FEVER WON AGAIN!  ANOTHER TRIPLE DOUBLE FOR CAITLIN CLARK! I think the day ended on an up!  Woo...It was a bouncing ball day.

This is a day of new beginnings, time to remember and move on.  Time to believe what love is bringing, laying to rest the pain that's gone.  Words by Brian Wren


  1. And the lovely tune is by Carlton R. Young. Great combination for a terrific hymn!


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