
 Living has been a bit rough since last evening.  The dreaded side effects have arrived.  I'm not surprised with the results.  I was warned.  Bedtime started at 3 this morning and ended at 7.  I'm whipped.  So, today will be slow because that's all I have. What didn't help was the fact that it was the day for shots, and I thought the time for that was 1:30 this afternoon.  When checking I discovered that it was 9:30 and the clock told me that it was already 9:20. I was ready, but Doug wasn't.  It's a 15-minute drive to the hospital. We arrived at 9:40 and discovered that there was a 30-minute window provided for patient's arrival time.  Thank you, Jesus.  Yikes.  

And things in the shot department were not going as planned.  Yes...a rough morning.  The medicine is cold and it's thick so it needs to be warmed taking more time.  Then someone else needed attention first.  So did I say the morning was a bit rough for more than just me.  You got that right.  

And while I finished writing the last paragraph earlier in the day, Doug walked in with what I call a beautiful white orchid but really a beautiful white iris.  There was a card added with these words...Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow found in my favorite hymn.  He found all this on the patio. I cried. The gift came when I was totally spent. Truly a gift from God with no earth sender name.  Who was it receiving a God nudge.  I did some guessing and some phoning and some texting and then thought of my neighbor.  It was from Kathy who felt while she was out gardening, the nudge that said the flower needed to be moved to our patio with the additional message. She heard the word NOW!  I would call that listening to the spirit.  

So, I would say another lifeline had been sent my way.  And I grabbed it hanging on tight. I have received many since 2020.

I did a lot of sitting for the rest of the day.  It was appropriate and fit into my schedule.  

I slept.  Made a trip to Aldi's, stopping at Goodwill to trust my luck.  No luck this time.   There was a visit to the drugstore to replenish some pills in case of emergencies to come.  Kat got me through another tekki crises.  Doug had soup for supper.  I had a couple of other things that worked, and the evening entertainment was ready to entertain. I need to wait till tomorrow evening for the Fever.   There was no sewing today, no garden work just doing what came in front of me which wasn't much.  I felt that Alexandar was my buddy today.  We had a lot in common.  There were times when I had the middle seat in the back of the car wearing ugly sneakers. But the car carried me through regardless of the circumstances.  


  1. I didn’t get the Alexander reference until I got to the ugly sneakers part. Made me smile.
    Just keep babying that precious body of yours. Visualize Pac-Man eating all those cancer monsters. May the force be with you. In every respect. XOXO.

  2. Unfortunately, I get the Alexander reference! Many days are just like that - even in Australia! Borthers keep asking how you are doing - and I have been telling them you have been doing well - NOW I see I have a message to post for our prayer line! Keep that iris in sight.


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