
                                                                 A gift from the neighbor.                                                          

It's been a wonderful day.  So far, the body I live in has made a great adjustment to the poisoning of Norbert. PRAY that it continues.  The energy bucket has maintained the ability to give what is needed.  Thanks be to God.  I've asked a lot of God today.  

I had a great sleep last night although the go to bedtime was a bit late.  Breakfast was oatmeal with blue berries and bananas. If I could just remember not fill the bowl.  My eyes are bigger than my stomach at EVERY meal.  I spent some time at the sewing machine with burps again. The number for Goodwill is up to 60.  The next hundred makes a total of 1300.   I'm limiting myself to 10 for the day.  The machine is happier if that happens.  

                                    Stella carried the flowers home under her seat.  What a helper. 

I did a walk around the block with Stella, happy to walk with an old neighbor walking her dog.  She lives now in a close by addition.  A house just down the street is getting a major addition, and it happens to be the one she lived in years ago.  And because the owner was there tending her flower business, we got a great peek at all the changes that are happening.  And there are many.  What fun.  And we brought flower arrangements home with us.  How sweet. 

I usually have Jello and cottage cheese for lunch but I forgot to make the Jello.  So I decided to have scrambled eggs with mushrooms.  The eggs are from the Michigan free range buddies.  This time I tried a DUCK scrambled egg.  

                                                                 Strange looking yolks. 

Yup.  I have half doz. DUCK eggs.  They are fine if one can convince the brain. I would rather have a pullet size egg.  I would say there was way to much egg for a meal.

The afternoon was all about the shovel and the rake.  The temperature was perfect, and the agenda included the other path less taken along with giving the tree it's much needed face lift.  I did some other cleaning out.  It was a fun afternoon.  The two Big Blues are stuffed to the max and it's only Monday.  I just remembered because of Columbus Day trash comes on Thursday.  I could fill the B. B. in the garage!  I have an extra day!  It won't be long before the filling days are long gone.  

In a couple of days all the bits of green will disappear.  The neighbor's driveway is in the picture. 

I spent some time with seeds marking the envelopes and packaging all that I have saved.  I snipped some dried flowers from the Mexican Sunflowers.  The seeds found in each flower can vary from none to maybe 10 at the most.  So, the take was small, but time should provide more seeds.  At least that is the hope.  

                                                                Thinking next spring.

A big bonus is eating at McAlister's tonight with the North Church North Side group.  Woo, woo.  I had  a bowl of potato soup. Anything else is just too much food.  So, the diet doesn't change very much.  Soup is where it is right now.  

Then Monday night football is on the agenda. Life is good.  It's been a very busy day. I'm living with a tired body.  I bet I fall asleep in the chair.  It's been a day with many places earning a thank you.  Life is good. 


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