

Some of you have seen these zinnias.  I cut them from Kimmy's garden last Sunday.  This is a today picture.  They are still beautiful.  I love these trusty little friends. 

Sunday, Sunday...

We were off to church a little earlier because of a rehearsal for the second service.  But before that happened, I stopped in the Gathering Place and had coffee with my good choir buddies.  I miss them. There is always an attempt to let all the participating folks know what needs to happen so then it was off to the rehearsal.  And that happened.  

Being that it was St. Francis celebration Sunday the St. Francis canticle about the earth was a part of the service with visuals. It went off without a hitch. The adult readers were good, and the participating children were wonderful. The sermon centered on Philippian's 4 Rejoice Extravagantly.  Excellent thinking on the part of the preacher speaking to the pew sitters. We heard word about gratitude, thankfulness etc.  I could have shouted amen many times.  These last four years have brought a whole lot of gratitude to my thinking. I will rejoice extravagantly. The choir sang a wonderful anthem Rejoice in the Lord Always.   And did I take any pictures.  You know the answer already.  Nothing church related is showing up.  Dah!!!

And with thankfulness my friend Chuck and his wife, a super good friend wereable to be at church today.  Charles is experiencing some serious health issues like so many of us so the sermon spoke to him as well.  There was a lot of talk after church about that.  What a morning of celebration in so many ways.  I was pumped to the max for many reasons. 

The afternoon brought the Colts and a win but for some reason I was bored and decided to check on outside stuff. I missed the win celebration.  Last night there was a party in the garden. Some baby iris were torn out of the ground. A stump filled with hens and chicks was torn up. 

Happy to have found them in time to plant them again.  Maybe the second time will bring better luck. 

Some other pots got "fluffed".  I guess my invitation was lost in the mail for a good reason.  So I did some messing with the chicks planting them in small containers which will be used among the nativity sets at church in December. 

                Torn up hens and chicks got repotted.  It's something different for Church at Christmas.

 I did some edging helping the flower bed know where it's territory really ended. 

                                                This tree is waiting for a face lift around its trunk.

 I moved on to continue the path clearing.  There is more to do but I'll get that done in the not to distant future.  I picked up a lot of pinecones.  I'm always thinking...two roads diverged in a yellow wood.  

                        All the green little leaves in the above picture will be gone in a few days. 

       For now this would be the path less taken with bringing on some trials called pinecones and mess.                                                                    It's a trippers nightmare. 

                                                                    I LOVE FROST.

Then it was back inside for more football.  The chair felt good and there was a now and then nap. The body chose to emphasize tiredness.  Fresh air is a great sleeping pill. 


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