

                The Asters are at their best.  The stocks are full of blooms and the bushes are not wimpy.

It was a super morning.  A morning that felt like it was time to get to doing!  So, there was an oatmeal breakfast then a little coffee and TV and then remembering that I wanted to do a little clipping of Daliah's.  You know, the more you clip the more you get.  So snipping is good.  I snipped Daliah and then cosmos and then a few other things with the hope that a few of those would self-seed.  I did find some zinnias and dill that have self-seeded already.  Sad for them, they won't make it through the winter.  Being an eager beaver is not a good thing this time of the year.  

                               The only little girl I'll have, and she loves to dance among the Lantana.                                                              Orange has overruled this year.  Next year...not so much. 

I added more B Blue worthy stuff to the already stacks of worthy stuff that were pictured yesterday.  The B B's are full so this goes with next week's stuff.  The dirt was just the best making digging out roots and weeds really easy, so I got started big time with what was once only the herb bed but now has had some things added.  I did some edging, digging and hoeing and pulling weeds like Creeping Charlie. Yup, that guy is around and will be back in the same place next spring if I don't move him out.  Winter doesn't faze C. C. I impressed myself with how good the Herb bed looks ready for a rest.  When I pull the pepper plants still loaded with peppers, that bed will be ready for the winter snow.  For some reason which was just great the energy was flowing this morning making me feel the best ever.  Thanks be to God.  It was a big thing with almost three hours of work. 

                                                Nice and clean ready for next spring's thinkings.

Lunch and then it was picture taking time for the blog.  I did some texting, sending pictures to friends and receiving pictures from friends.  Marcia and Dennis, more Michigan vacation friends are on their vacation trip, camping the whole way around Lake Superior.  She sent pictures stopping with more camping friends on Bumble Hill not far from Copper Harbor.  Oh, to be in Copper Harbor, now that fall is here.  

The camper set up at the home of Leslie the weaver and Dennis the potter.  Leslie is also one of the Holly Hock ladies on Bumble Hill.

                                Lake Superior at Great Sand Bay.  Our favorite sandy beach 

Kathy F's vase was returned to her filled with flowers from the garden.  I spent some time sitting in the sun, then under the clouds, then under the rain drops and then back under the sun.  It was a very interesting part of the afternoon.  

                                                                Flowers for Kathy and Bill

I spent a little time transplanting some succulents that I want to use with nativity sets at church during the season of Advent.  The large Superior driftwood piece is part of the plan.  My goal is to do something unusual with what is usual.  There is more than one way.  Think outside the box folks.  I want to hear folks say what the heck is this all about. Maybe I'll get fired.  You think?

                        There will be more of these. I'm NOT a Poinsettia person. Please spare me.

                            Right now, it's really heavy and full of rain.  I'll give it time to dry out.

I watched a little more TV.  Nicole is one of my favorites at 4 PM and then supper time with once again Veg. Beef soup.  One of my favorites.  Tonight, I'll try the debate show.  We'll see how that goes.  

Today was a day of gratitude for many things, one being energy.  I was able to fill my mind with good thoughts about the next season of gardening.  It's a long way off but it always comes.  My drying zinnia seeds on the dining room hutch are such good reminders of the rhythm of life and the joy that gardening brings me. I am grateful. 



  1. cute camper and beautiful picture of beach at Lake Superior


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