
 Awake early but the bed was nice and warm, and I knew the house would be cold.  And it was! Eventually I was up with coffee.  That helped a lot.  I had a banana for breakfast.  All my body's numbers were in the right place.  And I remembered the poison pills.  I wonder if Norbert is getting sick. 

                               Eleven days since these were cut.  I've changed the water a few times. 

The furnace man was here at 9 and the furnace got a kick on ready for the winter.  Doug thought it came on last night.  I'm not sure about that.  So, we're toasty.  I hate to turn it on before it has been checked.  

   Still blooming in the garden.  I must have planted seeds and forgot all about them.  Surprises are good.

Mexican Sunflowers still blooming.  I gathered some dry flower heads looking for seeds to plant next spring.  The willow fence is holding up well.  I want to do more willow building next year. 

I decided to do a little s-l-o-w sewing but first I thought I would spend a little time with the brush looking for lint.  Flannel tends to leave a little, no a lot of that stashed in places in the machine that's hard to eliminate.  So I did my best and goodness me.  The problems I had yesterday are no longer there.  Now that was a cheap fix in my book.  Woo... So, I buzzed on to doing 10 more burps in the morning and started 10 more in the afternoon.  Before I worked on the machine, I spent some time just ripping fabric to the right size, marking and preparing it for sewing.  So I'm ready, set, go to another 100 burps very soon. 

I had lunch and time in the chair with my eyes closed having a great snooze.  My slow tired button was taking charge, so paying attention to that was a good thing.  

While I was doing the afternoon stuff, I realized the sun was shining and outside looked wonderful although I knew the temperature was a bit nippy.  I bundled up, got Stella out and we tooled around the big block.  It was a great walk that made me feel I could do even more, But I didn't.  I took all the Halloween pictures I could find in neighbor's yards and noticed a few Trump and Harris signs. They were about equal in number. 


Back home again and supper was split pea and ham soup from the Amish with peppers, parsley, mushrooms and tomatoes cut up and fried a little bit.  It was sort of the last of the garden.  Thursday night frost is predicted.  We'll see.  

The next 10 burps are so cute.  These crazy dogs make me smile.  

I called Adam and got his answering machine.  In his text he told me he's sleeping a lot.  I'm not surprised about that at all after the sleepy medicine he had.  Adam has been the first up and late to bed.  So this is a bit different..  


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