Another week to do. I'm so grateful for a body that lets me do all, or almost all the dos that I want to or need to do. Many folks are not so fortunate. I had a list of dos that I squeezed around the have to do things that Doug needed to do.
I read more this morning. This cancer book has impressed me in so many ways. One being that the cancer cure issue has been in the works for a very long time and at times it seems almost impossible that there will ever be a light at the end of the tunnel. What also impresses me is that there are people, many people who are interested and working hard to find that light thinking they have found it and then it disappears on them. That has happened so many times. There are doctors and lab support folks who just keep on searching and looking and who have the drive to keep trying. Blessings on them. It takes an ARMY not a village.
A beautiful Georgia flower that blooms in the winter.The day had some things that had to be done in the afternoon. We made it to the Y this morning at 11 and worked until 12. Then it was home for a bit and they by 1:30 we were on our way to I U North. Doug needed to get his monthly iron booster shot. I needed a telephone number to make an appointment for my next cancer shots. Then I found the right office to ask questions about my C Pap machine. It should be heating a tube of air but it's not. So, I have another telephone number to call. It was a successful visit for all of us. There was a drugstore stop after that.
After that we were on our way to Talbot Street in almost downtown Indianapolis to visit my friend. It was a real gab fest the way it should be when get-togethers happen after a long distance between visits. What fun. We filled all the minutes that were left in the afternoon. She has a home in Virginia Beach, Va. That's a good distance from here!
On top of Bumbletown Hill where Dennis and Leslie live.Supper was soup and some delicious grapes. Yum. And the evening was filled with more football and more book. I would say it was a day of doing. Tomorrow will be more doing starting with a trip to Aldi's and then the rest of the doing will include cooking. The family is getting together near the end of the week. It will be a short visit with a promise made at Thanksgiving that we would eat at Frazoli's. The kids love it. I'm not so sure.
Just half a year or less away.
beautiful flowers!