
Not very much happened here at home with one exception.  There were a few birds this morning after I thawed the bird bath.  It took 4 pots of hot water. 

                                Mr. Flicker along with the Mrs. stopped in for a quick breakfast.                                                                                              Peanuts were on their dining plate.

It was a rather short morning and then off to church we went.  The white poinsettia all 4 little ones made it.  The three big ones met with the garbage can after we got home from church.  Wasted is what I called them. 

The angel made it back to church repaired and ready for Christmas Eve.  I put her on duty today even earlier than her first gig more than 2000 years ago.  I had a great time visiting with folks before church.  The service was very good with another everything Mary Sunday in the music, scripture, and sermon.  And yes, the visuals were there.  

The work began for Christmas Eve after church.  There were folks working on candles for the three services.  The chancel area was put together for the 5pm family service which is one of the larger services. It includes a play written by one of our parishioner's.   The communion table is dressed for the 7:30 service, a smaller service and when that all goes away the 10:30 service with a whole lot of music happens which again is a larger service.  All have candle lighting with singing Silent Night and Joy to the World.  I would say Doug and I have attended at least 50 and maybe more of the 10: 30 services as choir members and more now as pew sitters. The boys when small always fell asleep on the front pews of the church. As teen age kids they lit candles.  From time to time when scheduled Eric still works the PA system.  

            You can tell by the shape that Mr. Cardinal is visiting.  He loves those black sunflower seeds. 

The plan is to attend the 10:30 service arriving a little earlier to check the Advent candles making sure that the votives are fresh and ready.  I think that is my only responsibility.  

We left the church at 1:30 more than happy to be on our way home with the feeling of being as ready as possible in my responsibilities.  

                                                    Another early morning visitor.

It was a great football afternoon with lots and lots of games.  The Colts won.  I made some phone calls and tomorrow I'm playing Fed Ex with a delivery to a dear friend visiting family here from her Old Kentucky Home. She has been sick but now is well so her visit at church was a much-welcomed visit. Church members Ben and Eric are a part of her family.   

 So, the rest of the day was quiet with a couple of naps with football plays slipped in between.  

Another great day of living.  


  1. I read your comments and I feel you pick me up, set me in a chair, and feed me a breakfast of optimism and smiles. A gentle shove out the door and I am embracing a new day. ❤️

  2. A Santa Idea for the gal with almost everything.
    How about a heating coil for your birdbath? They really work and the birds have access to unfrozen water 24/7. You need an outdoor plug-in spot for one to work.


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