Another morning with fresh out of the oven sweet rolls from Kroger's. Jared appeared, then Kimmy and then after a very long pause Doug. Eli was next and then I can say I don't recall the other two's appearing time. No card playing this morning. Just talk.
After a bit of that it was packing up time with Jared getting the car filled with stuff. Pictures were taken and the car left the driveway at 10:43. Back to the Michigan 10-acre farm with a few stops in between.
The Michigan snow will be gone with the high in the 40s. It's a crazy winter already.I heard Ikea among a few other places. Jacob's second year of college starting in January includes apartment living so he needs a few household things. Collecting is a priority currently.
We skipped church today but tomorrow will be a work morning at church with Heidi, beginning the process of putting things back in the box until next Advent. That will take a few days.
Some really important gifts that came my way happened to be six spools of good thread. Just in time. Today I filled two bobbins and that took care of my stash. I did some cutting of fabric needing something to show for the day.
Some other things that came our way included a great Ninja coffee pot. Woo, woo. We are living the life of coffee drinkers for sure. It doesn't get much better.
Coffee Mugs...waiting in line to be filled.Another gift from Doug to me that had me splitting my sides laughing.
I must admit that it is the perfect gift, and he came through big time. It follows his buying himself a small battery powered handheld chain saw that he LOVES. I mean really Loves! I'm having a bit of competition. I think my gift might be labeled a battery powered hedge trimmer.
I'll be using it for sure in the garden on the Black Eyed Susans next fall. It is destined to cut off the ornamental grass soon. Woo, woo. I really like my gift. Trimming with the hand trimmers takes weeks filling those big blues, even after digging out a lot of Susans. Watch out. I'm going after anything that needs going after. I am armored alongside of Doug. Together we make an awesome pair.
Doug said the house was quiet this afternoon. I would agree. There was some food to get ready for the freezer. And it's easy to admit, the rest of the house looked wonderful. The Michigan kids always leave me with less to do after leaving then I could ever imagine. They are wonderful about picking up after themselves.
Now that the gifts have been revealed, these are the mushrooms that were gifted to so many folks. There was a total of 18 that appeared before the giving started. There are five left for my garden. That is unless I make more!It was another of many lately rainy days. A bit depressing. I might try the Y after football. Oops there is no end to football today, so the Y needs to wait.
It was a Colt afternoon, and they lost! The Packers were not so hot. I'm predicting that the Atlanta Falcons will beat the Washington Commanders. It must be the weather!
Another weekend of memories that will stay with me for a very long time. All the grandsons are growing up with their real beginning of meeting the world not far away. It's an honor to watch their parents doing a wonderful job of parenting walking alongside their children. We are blessed in many ways.
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