
Those were the years.  There has been a major melt down in the Monarch butterfly world in central Indiana. Let's hope for better luck the summer of 2025.  This is a male Monarch butterfly.  The thicken lines by the body give me that information. 

The day turned out to be pretty simple. It was another votive candle day melting broken candles and then turning them into something useful again.  I surprised myself to form even more candles than I did on Monday.  I certainly was a poor guesser although the number was closer than I thought it would be.  We are really set for a while with advent votives.  Now I wonder where there are more used candles hiding at church.  It's crazy where one can find unexpected stashes.  
                                                    Today's batch, even bigger.  

The bird feeders were filled to the top this morning anticipating the coming winter storm.  Or...what might be the coming weather.  It sounds ominous with lots of snow that one might find accompanied with some ice starting Sunday morning.  We were going to finish the nativity packing but knowing that church numbers might be small we postponed that job until January 12th. In some respects, we have shortened the Ephinay season and in other respects we have lengthened it.  Whatever it is we'll make it fit to our needs this year.  No two years are ever the same. I hope the change in plans for the coming Sunday is well communicated to church goers.  The same announcement will be in our church newsletter.  

I spent some time with my gardening books deciding to renew them.  The cancer book I decided to keep and renew has a hold on it so I'm out of luck with needing to make a trip to the library this afternoon.  Someone else needs some answers.  There will always be questions.

My squirrel friend or the forest rat as I think when I see them was running around so I fixed another pinecone, peanut butter, birdseed munchy.  Woo.  There was a lot of munching going on.  Then a "buddy" came by and the chasing began big time.  It looked like the Indy 500 in the back yard.  
        There were two very unhappy racers, but I would declare there was a winner.  There always is. But I don't know if it was Frick or Frack.  I can't tell them apart.   

My pill holders are partially filled for another two weeks.  More prescriptions needed to be filled so that job isn't quite finished.  I called and ordered more of what is missing. I take a lot of medication, but it keeps me alive. 

I've been itching for more succulents for some time.  I have a few but mostly just dividing what I had.  So, I did something about the itch and went to Habig's to see what was in their collection.  They had a few.  Some with my price on and some with a price others might want to buy.  And they were on sale!  I might go back tomorrow to get a few more and some "desert" soil.  
The books from the library are just spectacularly mouthwatering should I say.  And as usual most of the pictures are from the desert southwest.   Don't you think I need more plants?  They are easy.  One just lets them alone.  

So I finished another day with a little of this and that.  No sewing, no Y, no church.  Just this and that.  


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