I took care of my feathered friends this morning noticing that the feeder filled yesterday was just about empty this morning. There was a night visitor so Doug will be bringing that feeder in when he brings the suet in overnight. I'm suspecting a raccoon. Most of the seed was gone but there was evidence of somebody's paw scratching seeds out of one of the openings. These little creatures keep me on my toes.
Just more of the same. I think we've had more snow this winter so far than all of last winter.Mr. Robin has hung around all day. I spotted him once trying to hang on to the suet feeder. I put some meal worms out but the snow keeps covering them up. It would be better if Mr. Robin flew to the crab apple tree where I've seen other robins.
Meal worms inside the waste basket. Someone is finding them.And yes, the snow started around 11 and has continued all afternoon. I've shoveled the patio a few times knowing that will help with filling the feeders. A lot of birds continue to visit. Mr. Carolina Wren showed up in the darkness of the morning. He is so little and his tail pointing to the moon tells me he's back.
I ripped enough flannel for more burp sewing when the machine comes home again. I have enough flannel to reach another 100. One of these days I'll need to do a little flannel shopping. The price needs to be right. That sounds familiar.
This afternoon there was a soup urge that I took care of. This time another pot of split pea is ready for eating and the freezer. That always makes the house smell good. I used my Amish soup starter, onions and garlic with better than bullion ham flavor. Then celery and grated carrots with ham topped it off.
There is another good football game tonight with the winner playing Notre Dame, the winner of last night's game with Penn State. It was a nail biter. I'd love to see Ohio State win over Texas tonight. I think they have a good chance. I'm sure I'll be hearing from my Cleveland friend during the game via texting. The game is at Arlington Tx. where the Cowboys play.
I noticed on the weather channel Atlanta is in the middle of a good snowstorm. I think they might say bad snowstorm. One could include Dallas as well in that same storm. Looks like we're all under the same cloud. Just a super excuse to stay off the roads. Our snow is great for snow angels rather than snowmen.
Still on duty, watching the front door.
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