
 It's what I call a productive day.  I like that.  I closed out on another 100 burp cloths this morning making a total of 1800 burps at this point.  A lot of new mother's shoulders have been spared from newborn spit ups.  

                                The sewing machine is coming through again.  Hip, hip, hooray. 

I did a pill container filler up.  I'm good for another two weeks.  I wonder how many of you remember pulling into the gas station and rolling down the window and saying filler up?  That really did happen.  And we drove off with a tank full of gas.  It certainly isn't that way now.  I also remember saying 2 dollars worth please and when the amount went to 3 dollars, that was quite surprising.  You all know what pill containers look like so no picture!  It's the same for the gas station.  The filler up guy has disappeared.  Another job lost!  

A new mental health project.  It's better than sitting with a doctor although I'm doing some of that soon. 

I finished a white very soft neck scarf.  It's OK for a first try after a long, long pause in neck scarf knitting.  I went to JoAnn's to pick up a different kind of white yarn.  I hope the next attempt is more like the white one Marcia O. sent to me years ago.  We'll see.  There will be a few more changes with needle sizes.  I looked for the last chance fabric and found some blue print flannel I could use with some flannel plaid sheets from Goodwill.  Sometimes there is just nothing that can be used in the same burp either front or back.  So, I buy if it's cheap enough to match what I have. 

There was lunch with a little TV.  The TV gets littler and littler.  It's the same old same old of a few years ago.  That really gets old quickly.  I'm really liking those remodeling, rebuilding shows. 

The Y was a part of the afternoon.  I got my hour in doing what I like to do in that space.  It's just a place that helps my body feel good walking a mile and on to a few other things that clear cobwebs from my mind.  I had time to talk to another church friend doing her Y thing as well.  

I had candles on the to do list but the minutes available appeared to be less than I had expected.   I did sort and rehab a few.  But just a few.  Tomorrow I'll finish that job.

                                                   Candles bent and broken to melt into votives.

Candles to rehab.  That means taking about a half inch of wax off the top and snipping the burned wick.  One never knows when a candle or two or more are needed for a special event.  Have you priced candles lately.  They can blow the budget. 

            Here are a few all ready for the next service needing candles.  More will be added tomorrow.                                                             We're ready for the unexpected. 

The afternoon brought a lot of sun.  The birdbath was thawed and the feeders checked.  The birds were few but Mr. Robin did hog the seeds.  It is what it is.  There will be a trip soon to Wild Birds.  The peanut bag is empty.  

So, the day was a good one.  It was productive.  Doug did the wash and I folded a lot of clothes so all is clean again. That is always a Friday marker.  Those markers are made every week.  It's helpful. 


  1. I was very young but I remember hearing about gas going from 20 cents a gallon to 25 cents!


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