Friday memories haven't quite gone away. I know that will happen eventually. Today was a good day. And I'm sharing what I see when I write including a picture of Doug's coffee mug filled with Hazelnut coffee. My choice. The new pot works like a charm. Hard to believe the difference in the coffee taste.
Looks like the screen saver is ready for summer.I was on the road again at 8, ready for another soup kitchen day. And arriving first was a good thing. Sarah Ellen wasn't far behind, so we really got the show on the road with all of our ores in the water. The rest of the workers were not far behind with one new helper arriving. We always can use more. The skill of keeping children busy is one that I continue to use, this time on big children called adults. There is always something to do. The best part of the morning happened at 10:20 when all was declared ready and we had time to visit with each other. In my book that is one of the events that needs to happen that provides the glue that holds us together, building community.
At 11 the doors opened and my, my...the line was long and went forever it seemed. So, the Community Room was full of talk and eating and visiting also holding the neighborhood community together. The food lasted and the carry out bags also lasted. Today I worked in the Community Room rather than serve the hot meal from the kitchen. There were spills to clean up, water pitchers to refill, tables to wash, nerves to calm, questions to answer and visiting squeezed in where it could squeeze. And once again no time to take pictures.
Heidi, James and I went over some worship things for tomorrow after we closed. The newest candles found their way to church and on to the storage shelves. Since no one signed up for flowers Heidi did some arrangements for the altar. Did I think of taking a picture. I think you will know the answer since nothing has appeared. Maybe tomorrow I'll remember.
On the way home, the car parked in a parking slot at Goodwill. Now wasn't that nice. Best of all there was a cute set of flannel sheets that were purchased at my favorite price. Each for 3.99.
I had lunch and then it was time to sit and knit. And I did. I need to remember to lubricate, lubricate lubricate my hands since the air is dry, and the yarn also takes moisture away. So, lotion, lotion, lotion would be good. Cracked skin is not very pleasant to experience.
Finding a dropped stitch is a horrible experience. The purple is much darker that seen here.
I watched some good basketball this afternoon one game being Oregon and Minnesota. The afternoon ended with a Duck loss. So, another good day at church following the command that Jesus gave of feeding the hungry. They certainly were hungry today. And needing the chair proved to be the case as well.
Wow! I didn't know (or if I did know, I didn't remember) that you have a ThinkPad! I had one until we got a new company supporting out technology so now it's a little Dell - but I still use the touch pad - no mouse for me!