
 What a day this has been, what a rare mood I'm in!   A little bird watching with a little snow scooping on the patio started the day as usual.  Bossy Robin was back.  There's more about him later.  

It was church day.  And after missing that space for two weeks, I was happy to be back.  I delivered the Advent candle votive inserts, feeling good about the needs for the coming years.  The candles used Christmas Eve are out and about.  They need to be rescued.

                    A new altar arrangement for the day.  A towel and basin are symbols of servanthood.                        That was the theme of the morning service. 
The service was planned by the women of the congregation. 
We added shells, a symbol of baptism to the altar celebrating this Sunday the baptism of Jesus. 

At twelve when the last amen and the last note of the organ played it was nativity time.  And the worker bees were there for us again.  The job was accomplished with at least 100 nativities wrapped and packed into either drawers or tubs was gathered together with other decorations destined for the attic at some point. 

And then dear Michael S, whose daughter Anna sings with the choristers and rehearses after church said he had 30 more minutes of time to give us which sparked a remarkable return of many, many drawers as well as other things up many stair steps to the attic. I recruited the parishioners who were out and about in the church to help with the trek to the top.  


I was gob smacked that for this year the move to the attic was also finished before we left church the same day as nativity packing. What a gift to Heidi and I who coordinate all of the visuals used throughout the church year, Advent and Christmas being the biggest season.  It truly was a blessing coming so unexpectedly.  

I must admit that we arrived home about the same time that we usually do in good time for the first of afternoon and evening football games.  We're in the playoffs now. 

There was a little more bird thinking and watching with the hope big bad Robin would shape up with his bird flock trying to be his friend.  I eliminated his place of honor.  Suet nibbling may be a bit more difficult which might help him think of other yummy thing to supply his food need  

That's a foil pie pan twisted into a cone and fixed to the pole with no place to stand and preach.

I must say that the Blue Birds were back late afternoon with no annoying Mr. Robin anywhere near at least that I could see.  The jump from the baffle to the suet now is impossible to make.  That should also take care of the Starlings.  We'll see. That would be a first in my book. 

The patio got more of a scraping off. I hate it when melting snow turns to ice so there was a horrific effort to eliminate more snow melting. Icicles were taken care of as well.  We'll see over time if it makes a difference.  

I spent some time sending thank you e-mails to print in the church newsletter.  Heidi and I need to schedule a candle clean up date and there could be more votive candle making with over the hill candles burned at the Christmas eve service. There is always something to take care of where our work is part of the evidence seen and not unseen. Sounds Biblical. 

So, the week begins on a grand note.  I am grateful for my church family, for my husband Doug who patiently waits while I do my thing every Sunday.  I am grateful that Eric and Jared and their families are church minded.  For many reasons today was a day of Thanksgiving.  But let us remember that for many a thankful feeling is difficult.  For them a feeling of gratitude is far away.  Pray for them.  So begins another week I call a gift of life.


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