
 It was a very quiet uneventful day.  

                                My friend Kathy's Xmas Cactus over one hundred years in age.                                                                              My cactus decided there was no Xmas this year.                                                                  I hope it gets over whatever it needs to get over.  Maybe a time out would do. 

The morning of course was bird watching.  At one point I brought the peanut feeder in the house. By afternoon when it was a little quieter, I rehung it.  And I should have known that those fisty little Blue Birds pretty much took care of the Starlings.  Nothing seems to scare those little blues.  And once again there were a flock of them just about out numbering the Starlings.  

The major morning event was delivering the sewing machine to Select Sewing for a checkup.  Woo...The bill will be one like an emergency health bill.  I told the fixer man that the amount was a guarantee that I was going to live a long time with cancer.  We had a good laugh although I was crying on the inside.  I hate bills.  But everything that is loose will be replaced with a new part. Everything that is chipped and crooked will be replaced with a new part.  The 75.00-dollar parts just kept adding up. It's still better than needing to buy a new machine.  That would not happen at this point. I would need to find a new hobby.

The afternoon included sleeping in the chair resulting in Doug's needing to wake me when he was ready to go Y ing.  There was another 30 minutes of walking which really calms Norbert Cancer now living in my pelvis. By the way, every morning I meet Larry, Curly and Mo as they are punched out of their storage containers.  They change into April May and June getting tossed into my mouth.  I tell them to do their thing!  They are my treatment pills. I call them my friends.  Now back to the Y with 10 minutes of bike riding with the ear buds playing the Mass in D Minor again. And Yes, Sarah Ellen.  I hum along with the hope that everyone else nearby is wearing ear buds. That's a huge hope.  No one would identify the mass.  I'm humming the alto line. 

                                                        Reading gardening books.  

We were on to Kroger's then for 3 gal of distilled water needed for my C Pap Machine.  And then a stop at the drugstore for more drugs!  

The rest of the afternoon I watched the happenings around the Carter event in Washington.  

So it was a very quiet uneventful day.  That also included the camera.  Supper was chili and the evening was spent on catching up on other events that happened during the day.  


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