
 I would say there was another unusual night although we didn't go anywhere.  Thank goodness for that.  We both ended up chair sleeping for different reasons.  We're really good at that having lots of practice.  

                        The sky on most days in the summer along Lake Superior.  How beautiful.  

I was up early and did a little Maine Cabin watching and Channel 12 weather/news information. Doug slept till 8.  And so, the day began.  Once again, I spent some morning time on the phone trying to reach folks leaving message only to find out the number that ER gave for Doug's doctor was his fax number.  But eventually I received a call from that office with information they had reviewed from the ER information. The first appointment available given to us by a scheduling person was Friday afternoon.  When the Doctor's nurse called that was changed to Wednesday.  So, tomorrow Doug will see the heart doctor.  Yeah.  Persistence happened.  That was a morning of ups and downs ending on an up! 

This is one of the first flowers we'll see next spring.  Love in the Mist or Nigella.  It self-seeds and is a wonderful filler. There are other colors but mine are usually white. It makes a beautiful ball seed pod. 

 Doug had his monthly iron shot in the afternoon and while he was doing that at I U North Swartz Center, I spent some time with my doctor's blood pressure cuff. My cuff gave me a very high-pressure number this morning.  I think it is not working so well.  I had an excellent afternoon reading.  I stopped at the sleep doctor's office and got a few more answers about ordering supplies.  So, the afternoon saw a lot of success.  That was dually noted. 

There was another drug stop, and we were on our way back home to warm up.  Jared's word this morning knowing they would have a -20 wind chill temp today was that free Botox was available at Hope Mi. if one just stepped outside. Woo. Joker! There was no school for the children there.  Way to cold.  I wore my Xmas head coverup from Kat while out and a whole lot of other things all day long. 

                  Nan Nook of the North.  Not really but you all need one of these. It's awesome. 

The window news was that the blue birds were back but not for long.  They had a good nibble at the fresh suet.  Of course their appearance meant that the flock was a group of many.  The hawk stood guard in the pine tree midafternoon with the Starlings taking of at a rocket speed.  One little Downy was at the suet for at least five minutes not moving a feather evidence of a learned survival skill. 

Supper was that grape chicken celery with a few resins added.  We had a mug of chicken broth to warm us up.  At the last minute, chips were added. 

So another day of living pretty much in the expected field, at least for the afternoon.  Eventually the morning caught up.  In between all the paragraphs, I knitted, running short of yarn.  I thought it might be a possibility, not really unexpected.  

                Darn...I almost made it. But a miss is like a mile.  There is another skein in my future. 

Big question.  How is the weather in Conyers, Ga?  Snow?  I think so.  How about Richardson TX. I saw Wed. morning 6:50 Conyers just southeast of Atlanta17, Richardson near Dallas 22 and Carmel -4.


  1. A nice snow yesterday afternoon and evening - solid white in the cloister - so probably 3 inches. The tmperature today at 4 am was 14, at 7 am it was 12. That was the straight thermometer temp - I don;t know what the wind chill was. It was cold. It still is. Our refectory (where we eat) is 48. I will go to a different place to eat my lunch! ! !


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