
 The sunrise this morning was beautiful with brilliant red orange tones behind the black tree limbs.  Gorgeous to say the least.  Seeing that is one of the great benefits of getting up before 8 am.  The winter sky can be beautiful.  

                                            The color got brighter and then faded away to nothing. 

The day started with putting on more clothes then ever.  Then it was coffee, bran flakes, fruit and milk with a host of pills.  Then there was knitting from another kind of white yarn with the TV news a little saner. Well, maybe.  There are times when the mute button is happily engaged.  

                                A memory of a few years ago. Taking a spin on Lake Fanny Hoe.

I rehung the bird seed and my, my it is cold out.  There was one finch at the feeder with many different options on the menu for those who will visit later.  The question is how do these little feathered friends stay alive?  I imagine some don't. 

Doug finally emerged. I would say for him it was a morning with the paper and coffee mug filled with coffee, of course.  And then some computer time.  For me, the knitting and sewing continued.

                            Jared thought this was appropriate for his dad.  I think he got it right. 

The afternoon saw us on our way to Saxony Hospital.  Another I U facility where Doug's heart doctor is located.  It's not so convenient but it is what it is.  Lots of questions were asked and it appears now with good evidence that to solve Doug's problem, a stress test is need that may help to discover a blockage in a vein.  Or is it artery.  I'm not quite sure.  His heart came through with flying colors.  No problem there.  The stress test happens on the 30th. Woo.  We're moving right along. Doug would like to forget all of this. Dee and Rick...I'm so happy to have known your mother.  It's that apple thing.

The birds were sparce but late afternoon a flock of blue birds flew in.  I immediately threw out the meal worms and they enjoyed that treat until, you guessed it, the STARLINGS arrived.  Not very many this time and their being late with arrival, the Blue Birds had time for a good taste.

Something from the freezer, a mystery soup. I added potatoes, corn, turkey and onions making a crazy supper meal. It proved to be pretty tasty.  There was left over salad from last night's meal. 

And then more entertainment started.  At least 12 Blue Birds many more than when seen first, descended on the feeders along with Mr. Robin.  It was a chase game with I think Mr. R losing out.  He just couldn't be two places at once.  Would it be the tree or would it be the patio or even the third place, the feeders.  They had him good.  I thought of a World War II 4 engine tanker against a modern fighter jet. That game went on for at least 20 minutes.  It was the nimble BB against the plodding Mr. Not a good match. 

                                    Now isn't that pretty.  The big Dennis bowl isn't bad either. 

The evening is TV watching and knitting more until my hand goes to sleep.  I'm sleeping with a carpal tunnel brace.  I've done it before and I'm doing it again. Eventually it goes away. Especially if I stop knitting.   Happy to have a fix whatever it is.  It's a small thing.  


  1. We knew our mother, too. That's why we follow up on our medical challenges - and do what we are advised.


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