Another easy morning starting with bundling up looking for the paper...Not here yet. And then doing the bird chores. A couple of feeders were filled to the top along with half filling one of the peanut feeders. The other one was just fine. And who should appear first early this morning was the Carolina Wren. Next, of course once again tit was Starling time. The next look out the windows saw the Blue Birds in a match versus the Starlings. There were plenty of on lookers to go around. It was another bird watching morning.
During one of the window scenes, I saw all the birds leave as on cue and who should appear about 3 seconds later but a HUGE hawk. Woo. It was amazing what his influence was on the previous group of potential meals hanging around the feeders. I spent a little time trying to determine what family the hawk belonged to. The best guess might be the Cooper variety with his size being about a foot in height.
Blue Birds were seen many times. That's Birds with an S added.There was a long period of time with NOTHING at the feeders with the peckers being the first to appear again. Evidently the hawk made an impression. It didn't last forever. By 3 PM all were back.
Once again, the afternoon brought another trip to the Y for a walk and bike ride. Two other folks from North were there. Next Monday is our McAlister supper meal with other North folks. Perhaps we should have a Y party now and then.
I would rate today as one of those sleepy days at least for me. It's so easy to do in my comfy chair so I guess my body needs it. And in those awake moments the folks experiencing the California fires certainly need our prayers.
We had a homemade beef meat pie for supper. Doug helped himself to a second helping. I was impressed. He must have liked it. While doing dishes I discovered a beautiful sun set with a sky of many colors.
The garden is patiently waiting. I'm on the edge of that.. And for the 86th year of living, January's gift is bringing back more light as the days end.
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