It's been a blustery day as Winny would say. Woo...I would say it's been hurricane weather for the birds. I saw one Harry around 5 pm and that's been about it. The report was 65 mile per hour wind during the day. I believe it. And since the trees did not have leaves, they were spared. The pine trees really looked like huge swings at the top.
And the morning started with the usual. I made a big attempt to work on the rug. Getting the braid just right is not easy. So for a whole morning of work, I think I got about three feet completed meaning half way around the rug at the most. It's the little engine that could but it's barely chugging at this point. As brother=in=law Rick often says. If it's worth doing, it's worth doing it right.
When Doug was finished with all his morning stuff we were off to Aldi's for another fill up of everything. We must have some teen age boys that come in to eat when we're gone. it seems.
There were phone calls to set up working times at church for my little group of workers. Heidi and I will work next Monday getting things ready for a Thursday morning put up of all things in the sanctuary and west entrance when the whole team will be with us.
Another phone call assured me that the Kasqali cancer medication will be coming my way for the month of April.
John Wesley got a redo on makeup. He's ready to go back to church. I'm wondering if this is Brahams or Shubert instead of Wesley. Who really knows.The weather turned warmer in the afternoon, so the rake and B Blue came out. Raking was really funny. The wind came from the south east. Then from the north west and then from the south west and it was vicious. But I was able to capture enough stuff to fill another B Blue, much to my surprise. I really protected B Blue from the wind. I didn't need it to be dumped.
More jonquils appearing at the edge of the pine tree in a whole lot of clumps. I hope they bloom this year. .
There are enough hiding places. to guarantee there will be bugs and pollinators crawling out from under their coverage at their choosing. So don't fret about the raking that's happening.
I also decided that some ornamental grass had to go. Now that process is a gardener's nightmare. I think digging the roots out is one of the hardest gardening jobs. Little by little I got one big clump out but I'd like to do another big clump. There still will be grass left and I hope the big elimination of two clumps will be a little more pleasing. It was out of control. There is plenty of ornamental grass left.
And since liver night was Wed., this week tonight was another pancake night. Simple and easy. I really like that for a tired body. More TV tonight and I'll be looking for another Pacer game. I think Purdue plays tonight. I like to watch close games, so my hope is that some team has one of those.
February has been good to me. March, you have something good to follow. I hope you can do that.
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