It was a good Monday beginning middle and end. How fortunate. Not all people can say that. I checked the birds as usual and made a grand filling to all of the feeders. The B Birds were everywhere. How beautiful. I would like to add some of the birds from Kenya with long tails. How beautiful. But perhaps they should stay there knowing what the sparrows from England have done to us.
I started another knitting piece, checked the E-mail and will be making some neck scarves for ladies that work at the monastery. I need takers.
A couple of the ladies are from Mexico and I think they will like these colors.I made my expected trip to IU North and the EKG said all is well, all is well. Then it was a quick trip to JoAnne's to get some yarn for the ladies and then on to a close by Goodwill to look for gray wool something. It would become the third color in a braid for the rug.
And I found a beautiful gray men's wool coat that filled the bill. Finding wool can be almost impossible. Sometimes I feel a little antsy about tearing up a good coat but that usually doesn't stop me. I took the coat all apart and will do a little more preparation before tearing into strips and braiding.
Tomorrow I'll wash the wool and then tear the fabric into long strips sewing a few pieces together and then rolling into round shapes. I learned all of this from an old book I found in a used bookstore.
I did a walk around the block in crispy air that moved me right along. I think moving seems to take away pain in my pelvic bone. Maybe I'm making that up.
This being the second Monday of the month, we're off to McAlister's to eat with the North Church Group. There are usually around 15 of us. There is always a lot of talk, a lot of announcements and just a good time of having a meal together sharing the ups and downs of the day.
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