Saturday Feb. 1

 S  L  O  W.  That's what today was.  Nothing fast, nothing even approaching fast.  Just plain old slow.  

I checked on the bird feeders this morning filling what needed to be filled and then spending a lot of time just watching to see who came for early or late breakfast.  There were the usual Downy couples, Blue Bird mom and dad, Bossy Robin, Nuthatch and of course the Starling and a few more.  Not very many but enough to keep me watching for hungry birds.

                             An early male Downy for sure.  The woodpeckers are never far away.

       Mr. Flicker was not far behind.  The morning sun was not quite to its western position to add light.

Once again it was a morning and afternoon of sleeping.  I suspect it's what my body requires to get me back on medication again.  Finding an answer sometimes is just an experience that doesn't have a sure answer. So, when I was awake, I did some knitting and when I wasn't I didn't. 

After lunch we made a trip to Wild Birds.  The peanut inventory needed to be filled again along with some black sunflower seed and Blue Bird yummies added to the bill.  I always love to see what might deter Starlings at the store.  And it came to me that I already had the solution right in my garage. 

In the winter Blue Birds look bigger than they really are with feathers fluffed out for warmth.  They scrunch down and sort of crawl on their bellies to the center of this box where the food is waiting for them.  The second peanut feeder was rehung joining all the other bird seed options.  It would be delightful if they all liked the same thing, but they don't.  Sounds like people.   

                                Bug Berry Blend has a lot of yummy things tempting Blue Birds.                                                                                                     Peanuts on the side. 

Last summer we bought a feeder that I stored away because Sparrows could get into the food along with the Blue Birds.  Well, the sparrows are gone till spring, and it is impossible for the Starlings to get to the food.  So that feeder was rehung and within 10 minutes the Blue Birds were at the food.  Woo.  The Starlings are declared off limits.  I am delighted.  

                                      These glass birds were displayed at Wild Birds.  So pretty. 

I tried to watch a little basketball. Sleep kept interrupting. I didn't see much ball during the afternoon.  

So, it was a slow day.  My hope is that soon there will be a pickup of energy.  Today another seed catalogue came.  That's always the carrot that keeps me thinking.  

           Kimmy sent me pictures that show what is keeping her busy.  Salt Pigs before their first firing.                            She is one busy lady with her hands in clay almost but not quite every day.  

      She also feeds birds, having many, many Orioles in the summer.  But for now, she's thinking pigs.

And now a few pictures from my Kathy O. friend.  Her family gifted her a B Bird feeder for a Christmas gift that has a camera in it.  So here are a couple of pictures.  We are so fortunate. 

                                                            Stunning I would say.  


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