I would say today was a rather calm day. Not much happening out of the ordinary. Just a good solid Saturday.
Brahms requiem is one of my favorite pieces. I've sung it a few times at church concerts. It's beautifully written. A couple of weeks ago I found it on my phone's U Tube. It's been playing in my mind ever since. Well, it came around in my dreams last night. That's the first time something like that ever happened. What a gift.
So the morning wake up started with Brahms. Not a bad way to start at all. I finished another scarf and now the number is four with the fifth one on the needles.
There was a ride out in little red to Aldi's for cottage cheese. That's a must for lunches for me. Then to Kroger for distilled water for my C Pap machine. And then off to JoAnn's for the last skein of yarn needed.
Back home again. We had discussed the need for a trip to Wile Birds so back in the car and off to get groceries for the birds. We stocked up on almost everything with the hope this will take care of bird grocery shopping for a while. The B Birds certainly were happy to see us and we were happy to see them.
Coffee mugs. We have a few but you will see more in the next picture. All because of Kimmy with some help from Jared and the boys. Glazing and loading and unloading the kiln takes work. I guess I could add all the wheel work does that also. It's a family affair for sure.
Kimmy sent me this picture of mugs, salt pigs, tumblers and soup bowls. They all have been fired once and the next step is to wax the bottoms of everything. Waxing keeps the glaze from sticking. They are ready for the glaze application and then the second firing. Then the mug has its own personality.
White Chocolate coffee late afternoon with the hope I can sleep tonight. Doug let's me borrow this one. There are others I don't touch.
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