The morning started doing all the morning stuff that happens at home. And then the day went into high gear. I could not have packed it fuller without my bucket spilling over.
After three changes in my Fulvestrant shot day Monday finally came so I was off to I U North by 9 am to get that monthly 2 shot deal. And when I checked in at the desk I was not on the list. There were quietly said words that organization could be better. They did have time for me so up the elevator I went to get ready for the two shot Fulvestrant treatment once a month. But every three months there is a calcium check with a blood draw and lab work and I needed a shot to keep my bones healthy. So, I had one of those. The visit was a little longer than anticipated. There were a few pokes that didn't work. I had more than my share, but I didn't fuss.
And when I left I went straight to church arriving at 11;20 to work with Heidi in our attic storage room organizing Christmas greenery, among other things that are not used very often. It was exciting to know that we now could make something much better than it was. So, Heidi and I got rid of cardboard boxes, filling see through containers labeling and loading the new shelves. The room looks wonderful after a good day of work. There is a little more cleaning, and we will call it finished soon. We used our visual arts money to make this all possible. And yes, there is a ladder in the room. The folding chair is not needed any more. Our shell angels are hanging high overhead, waiting for the next Advent season and the ladder.
We worked on the pulpit hanging hoping to support next Sunday's sermon. Such fun to pull out things that show coordination of thought. There was checking a few other things and then back on the road by 2;30 happened.
The sermon title is The Boat of Jesus.This is one of our favorite banners that shows so well the movement of water. The Anchor Cross is hung to the side and jute fishing net is seen surrounding the banner. Shells are seen surrounding the top of a cross made with glass beads.
On the way home I made a stop at Aldi's to buy things to make chicken veg soup for the Wednesday evening Lenten supper. I picked up some crackers and cookies to finish out the meal.
For the Wed night meal along with two other soups and a saladI spent some time outside and my little two-year-old neighbor James and his parents came over to visit. Seeing my shovel, James dropped his bubble making lawn mower and asked his mother to get his shovel and rake which was just purchased this morning. So, I had a little digger in the garden for a while. It was fun. I should have taken a picture.
Eric called needing a ride home. Andrew was working at Needlers so getting Eric home was on our to do list. At 5;20 we were on our way to Broadripple to move him on his way. The next stop at 6;15 was at McAlister's for supper with other North folks, our monthly meal together. We had a wonderful time together which included hearing more about Kenya and the negative effect Trump's policies have had on Kenya as well as other countries on that continent. Sad, sad to say the least.
And by 7:30 we were once again back home in Indiana. Woo. I call this a marathon day which I guess one should run once in a while.
Tomorrow I'll be outside for sure Temperature high 66 degrees.
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