Today, I'll admit that it was a lost day if one is keeping track of doing things. What caused that. I could give you all the maybe's that I can think of but who really knows. Our bodies are strange little things we live in.
I am so ready for warmer weather and flowers.The night had it's sneezing times, more awake times for the second night which just made the day a little different.
It was the first day back on Kisqali which is my powerful cancer medicine. There was the prescribed week off of dosing reminding me of chemo treatment! I never know how I'll feel with Kisqali. There are a couple of pages of side effects. Most of the time I never can identify with any of them. So, is today's feeling part of Kisqali? Who knows. NOT me. Could be. Could NOT be.
So much color.So today was a sleep day, a sneeze day, a runny eyes day a blow my nose day, a headache day and a sluggish feeling day. I'm sure with time this will all disappear again. But it was here today.
I sort of watched basketball, sort of knitted. Made a trip to Aldi's getting the forgotten cottage cheese and then to the drugstore for vitamins with Doug in the driver's seat. The walk outside didn't happen. It was cold. The rug just laid on the table waiting. And Alexandars words come back to me again.
I heard from Heidi who is working on Lent decorations for the sanctuary. The hand will be eliminated. It belonged to husband James who was checking out the hanging devise.
One of six crosses hanging in the sanctuary.We'll hang six crosses next week along with other things. It will be a busy week.
We use a lot of thistles during Lent.
I'm closing out the day with nothing new happening. Just the same old same old with resting what needs to be rested. Tomorrow marks another church day. I'm ready for it.
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