
Up and ready for the day.  Breakfast, pills, and more pills and newspaper out of the way as usual with all the other stuff I didn't mention that usually happens every morning.  I call it over and done again.


                                                                       Lenten Rose.

I check on who won and lost their basketball game. I went to bed at Purdue's half time with the feeling they just couldn't catch up let alone go ahead or win.  They didn't win.   And Michigan State lost today.  What a bummer.  They are so much better than Michigan.  So we'll see what goes.  

                                                                    Just in time for Saturday.

I checked that patio gang and they both came through the night storm in good order under their covers.  If it worked with all the wind, that's a very good thing. 

        Another kind of Lenten Rose sometimes called a Christmas Rose by some folks.  There are many cultivars. 

I rooted through the junk drawer in the kitchen...we all have one...and found a bunch of seeds.  It is not the ones I lost but I have PLENTY of seeds.  Good grief.  What was I thinking as I've heard someone from Michigan say.  Could it be a camping friend?

                                                        There is more than enough!

I'm soaking Sweet Pea seeds, planting them tomorrow.  I'm going to act like it's the 17th tomorrow.  That is when PEA seeds get planted.  Yup.  These are the sweet flower kind.  They are supposed to be deer proof.  We'll see about that. They need to soak for 24 hours.

I did some knitting.  Discovered a did that happen?  So, I ripped and reknitted.  It's another purple scarf.  

We took all of the pussy willows that we cut yesterday to the west entrance at church.  They are in a beautiful huge handmade pottery vase made by friend Karen.  There are not many things more beautiful Karen's vase holding a lot of pussy willow branches.  Spring is here at least on some days. That's Indiana for you all.  

Lunch came and then it happened.  Yup.  Outside I went, messing around once again.  It was a little here and a little there.  Today half was enough or maybe three quarters. I found some things I had forgotten about.  It's sort of exciting when that happens.  Dah.  My brain holds a lot of surprises that way.  God and the rain took the afternoon off. 

In my yard but more at Habig's.  But the price is right in my yard.  Indianapolis folks.  I'll dig one for you.  The price is free!  

  And now back to the other surprise. Once again, I found the beautiful little yellow iris that came from one of North's plant swaps. It started with one little plant and look now.  There are a lot of plants all miniatures but over the top in production.  Rita and Bob brought this to the swap, and it ended up in my garden.  If you are surprised, then I think you don't know me very well. 


                                               A couple of years ago there was only one.  

My little hens and chicks spot in the garden seemed to attract some critters.  It really got torn apart over the winter so this afternoon I tried to improve its looks.  I think it happened but it sure needs wormer weather to recuperate.  Sorry flock.  Warmer days are ahead.

            I know all God's children need to eat.  But still, it's a bummer when they hit my chickens. 

Nancy Baxter, a former staff member at North has remained a friend in deed.  We text when watching basketball games. She roots for Ohio State but keeps track of I U.  I root for I U but keep track of Ohio since I spent the first 25 years as a Buckeye. Patty and I flew to Cleveland for for her retirement party after serving her last church a few years ago.  She told me there was a box at the front door.  Humm.  Sure enough! There it was.

                                                        The box held something forgotten but found.

    Some flannel sheets for burps.  Now that's a friend in deed!  I call flannel sheets manna from heaven!                                                             I do remember not to eat them.

Nancy also included a wonderful Advent devotional piece.  I'm going to see if North wants to use it for an Advent devotional.

                        I think there is a slight fee to use this but Nancy thinks it is quite nominal. 

The rest of the day saw a return to the chair with more knitting and basketball.  It's such a good choice these days. The patio folks will go under cover again.  It's rewarding to see color out my door even though I've created another job for me.  Dah.  But it is what it is, I guess.   Enjoyment comes from many things and many places.  Dirt under one's nails is a weird one but I like it. I use a lot of hand cream these days.  Dirt gardening is the best.  

    See, there is another spot that needs me.  I think Christmas is over. Time flies when you're having fun.

                                            God just checked in again.  It's raining.


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