Today I'm feeling great again. Thank be to God for feeling like a person. So, it was to church with arm loads of stuff. Sometimes that happens and sometimes I walk in with just myself. Mr. Wesley made it back to church. A couple of scarves went to friend Amy and an arm load of pussy willows were put in the sacristy for our tomorrow workday. And then I found my pew seat.
We welcomed a new to us associate minister, Jill Moffett. She has been a church lady for about 15 years and more recently worked in Indianapolis hospitals. Her sermon focused on stepping out into the unknown with God and receiving surprise blessings. It was a good service with great music, communion and hearing the word.
Jill and Pastor DarrenAnd then we walked out the door with another gift from Beth G. Another set of gray plaid flannel sheets that will become burp cloths at some point in the not to distant future. So, it was stuff in and stuff out for the morning.
There was basketball for the afternoon and a very long chair nap. It's sort of funny how that happens in the middle of knitting and ball playing. But, it happens. Some teams lost that were expected to win and some team won that were expected to loose and some teams won that were expected to win and lost who expected to loose.
Our first Sunday of the month family Zoom visit happened. Jared from Michigan, Jason from Tenn. and Dee known as Cassian from Georgia along with Doug and I. Rick from Tx. was at a hocky game. It's always good to see everyone and hear what is happening with each family. The grandsons are moving right along just as their parents did before them. Eli is celebrating his 15th birthday. He is the youngest grandson. Where have the years gone.
I did a late afternoon walk in the garden. It's still a bit chilly but I must remember that it is only March 2nd. I found a few new things but most of what I know is there is waiting for warm weather that will appear in May. It's to early to start seeds but I'm thinking about them.
The beginning of a Holly Hock that I think was hoping for warmer weather.So another week is a day old already. There will be workdays at church with Lent in mind. There will be doctor appointments helping the body continue to function and then probably a lot of what ifs, and more events happening. The same old same old as you have heard me say.
. . . and Kimmy and Eli (whom you mentioned for his birthday) and Heather and Nolan and Kat and Andrew and Adam (briefly upside down) and Basil. All joined in for Family Zoom.